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OK - it is done. And once again I promise, this is the last time. And in five years, someone remind me that I said 2015 was the last time!!! LOL


Bruce has been an absolute rock in all of this. The funny thing was, I took him out to lunch yesterday and he looked at me and said "I am sorry I am keeping you at arms length, I have a lot on my mind." When I asked what he said "well the colonoscopy and the endoscopy." No hesitation, no word finding - it was right there. And since he verbalizes so little (I know a lot of it is because he doesn't want to upset me) that was huge!


I have to say the prep was easier this time around but only because Bruce has made such strides in recovery. The last time he was barely at one year post stroke. He even toiletted himself twice, safely, when he thought I was busy.


But, if anyone needs details - message me. In the meantime, the great news.


Absolutely nothing, from mouth to butt, shows any sign of bleeding! YaHoo! No polyps this time around. Biggest upset was Doctor was running late - surprise, surprise. Bruce does get annoyed but I think everyone just understands that, going out the gate.


But I do want to share an insight. When Bruce's PCP called with the diagnosis of anemia - not iron related and suggested a colonoscopy, my first response was "no." I work with Bruce's PCP at my SNF and she gives me a lot of rope because she knows, at the end of the day, I will hang myself with it - LOL. I always get a copy of Bruce's labs and spent hours reviewing my medical books, online. I knew in my mind he was not bleeding from anywhere. But he is on regular aspirin (ulcers?) and while I had access to tests to check his stool for occult blood - can anyone really make that decision for another? and moreso, should we? What if a few years down the road, Bruce ended up with an ulcer, intestinal perf - could I live with myself? I know Bruce is going to go along with me on the medical stuff mostly. And while he said "no" initially, once I gave him the facts, he said "Ethyl, we have to do this." And even after the GI consult, when we found out he needed the Endoscopy as well as the Colonscopy, he said "we will get through this."


And we did. He is sound asleep, which is no surprise - long day for him. He handled all the questions of all the pros himself, except his allergies (he developed the allergy to Levaquin in the hospital just after the stroke, so does not remember it). He even toiletted with his admitting nurse - she said all she did was spot him - LOL. Gotta love him.


Thank you all for your love and support.


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Debbie :


I am so happy for you both that everything ended well. I feel sometimes being planner of the family is hard job you plague yourself with all whatifs & miss the present moment. at our home hubby is planner & I go with flow kinda girl. though hubby doesn't feel stress of planning. I can drive myself crazy with whatifs & will miss beautiful present moment. So I like to go with flow in life.



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Yes, Bruce was amazing through all of this.  No fun to go through, as I know, when you are a stroke survivor on top of it all.  Bruce is lucky to have you too in times like this.  


Enjoy your game!



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And Bruce was comforting you through this. Gotta love him!


Glad you worked together to get through it. You are a magnificent couple with so much love shared. Thank you for sharing a glimpse of true love.


Keep up good work for good news!

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