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Just Sitting Home Using My Exercise Bike And Watching The Pups Grow



Well I have slowed down to using my bike again as all of my in home care has ended and I'm left to heal on my own now at my age which is OK with me.... I do still have a guy now to check on me for an hour each morning but the ladies don't come anymore just this guy in case I need anything I can't do myself....


I'm thinking I will never be able to use my left side as it is still paralyzed head to toe but I can and do still drive my car and use my scooter that I haul with me everywhere I go.... Meanwhile I am home with the pups as they grow bigger and the mom is still feeding them until next month on the 7th, but they eat puppy food we buy for them since they have no teeth showing yet....


I think when it's all said and done we will have the mom and two of them, the others are spoken for already... My wife promised one to her nephew for the one he gave her for our grand daughter three years ago for making the A-B honor roll and she is still on the honor roll.... However she will get fixed, no more puppies for her, this one time was it for her.....


Life is still good and I'm adjusting to being around the house doing different things for the wife and taking our grand daughter to school when my wife has to be at work early some weeks.... I'm not posting as much anymore on here lately but being outside when the weather is just right.... This week coming has more rain due so I will be inside for sure..... I sure don't want to fall down trying to walk in the rain on my cane.....


It's Football season so I'll be in front of the TV most of the time..... More next time!!!!


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Fred, you will adjust to whatever the situation demands.  You are a fantastic grandfather to that little girl and I am sure she knows that.  A better guardian for those pups and their mother you could not find.  Enjoy their antics while you can.

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Well with my dumb ass not looking what I'm doing or placing my fingers, I hit windows 10 thinking I was logging in to this site, got up to use the toilet, came back, I can't use my desk top,it downloaded windows 10, now I can't  again....use my desk top until Ican get it restored to windows 8.1 again......

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