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embarassing moments (mild but still embarassing)



This morning I stopped for a doughnut at a local bakery, An Acquaintance came out from the kitchen to say hello; he stood to my left side, directly in my blind area, I finally turned my head and noticed his hand in the air for a high five, I couldn't see it until I turned my head. not a major deal but still a bit embarrassing.


Later crossing a parking lot to see my attorney, I walked into a parked car, again in the left side where I have major vision issues.

At least it was parked no harm no foul.


Of course I quickly looked all around to determine if anyone saw me, I was all alone. just my own embarrassment, no need to explain to anyone why those things happen to me. I'm getting good at scanning when I cross a road with live traffic, need to be more aware in parking lots.


be well, be blessed and be a blessing,



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I sometimes have spatial and situational awareness issues especially when fatigued. I usually just laugh it off as a side effect of my 'upgrade' which didn't take. I do sometimes blame the invisible cats for my lack of grace which gets interesting reactions at the grocery store, etc.. My brother refers to me as twinkle toes...how undignified, LOL

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Scott when I receive undignified or rude comments I resond with" I've been called worse by better than you" stopps them cold and they think twice the next time


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I love the idea of invisible cats.  I think they must follow me around too.  I have a non invisible cat at home,  who has been part of my walking therapy since I left rehab, but I still trip over things that aren't there.

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I've been involved with a local theater group for 30 years now but with my memory is was I don't know about going back on stage.

I can still work backstage or as I'm doing right now I'm sitting on an audition bored.

I encountered an invisible cat last night and with my vision is used I managed to fall over it of course I turned it into a pratfall that a lot of laughs.

After all I am a theater rat.

Always try to turn an embarrassing moment into humor.

Not only did I get the laughs a good friend of mine who's a nurse came running over to help me up.

We did laugh about the situation of course she was upset that somebody left that commercial vacuum sitting in the middle where anybody could trip over it I just happen to be the one.

Be blessed be a blessing.


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Scott. I personally like the invisible cat. I think all hospitals have a secret conspiricy where they through in an invisible cat as we are discharged.

Then they sit around laughing at what we might be going through. Of course it's all in good fun no harm intended.


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