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O.K. - I'm Training Another New Aide



Well today another new aide starting working for us. This time she is younger - in her early 30's. She is a very compassionate person and I approve of the way that she talks to my husband.


She realizes that Chris needs to learn to do things for himself and doesn't feed him constantly like the previous aide did. She is very willing to do his exercises morning and afternoon. The previous aide didn't do them. Now his exercises take longer because I have to work his arms and his legs.


Today while Chris was sleeping she said that she was not the type of person to just sit around and do nothing so she volunteered to run the vaccum and she dusted my living room and dining room. She immediatley washes and puts away any dishes that Chris uses. I still wonder if I'm gonna wake up - it seems to good to be true. uhm.gif


She also has training in massage therapy - which she did on Chris' shoulders and arms today which really made him relax. He always holds his shoulders and neck so tight.


The only thing she does not want to use the hoyer lift by herself. This doesn't matter to me - I'd rather have Chris safe - and when two people use the lift together it does take less time to moe him.


So I'll see what tommorrow brings................




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Run her through a copy machine and send me a copy of this aide, will you? Glad you found a good one.



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You seem to have found a gem! Hope it continues for you. I'm happy for you and who knows, in time you may feel freer to do the things you need to do for yourself which care givers don't always get.
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there really ARE people out there who care and you have found a GEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! clone her.



kim cloud9.gif

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