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For the third time........dammit!



This is the third time I have attempted to expand on our Palm Cove holiday/7-night escape, and on each of the previous occasions I have hit the wrong key and everything has vanished. I hate it when this happens, as nothing retyped is ever as good or thought provoking as the first time. Still, I reckon I deserve an "A+" for perseverance and effort!!!!


I have already told you about the Reef House, our first chosen place of accommodation, so I shall not boor you again. And as I know nothing about our next accommodation house, The Sarayi, you will have to wait.


But the food and the restaurants.....,,


Our first meal, Wednesday night, was at a Greek taverna called El Greko where I had a trio of bbq-ed meats (lamb, chicken and sausage) while Jules tucked into spicy meatballs stuffed with fetta. Both dishes were accompanied by Greek salads.


Day 2 lunch was had by the pool..... Jules had salt and pepper sqid tapas and I had a ham, cheese and tomato panini. And dinner was down the road at Vivo where we both had twice cooked pork belly....yummy!! And we topped it off with homemade ice creams from a nearby ice creamery.


And last night we played the role of locals, and had fish and chips in the Palm Cove Surf Lufesaving Club....noisy, but wholesome and decent food.


Tonight we are dining at the Reef House, but lunch might be yum ha at a nearby Chinese cafe.


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Mitch,we've all had the "vanishing blog" experience.  i think it is divine intervention when i am being wordy or smug! But you are enjoying your holiday and that is what counts.  Go on having fun. 

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Man you got that right and it happens to me on a regular basis until now I am about to stop trying to post with my mental condition being what it has gotten to be lately.....

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