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Recovery is like a caterpillar



The strange thing is when I looked up the meaning of recovery:

Recovery: as defined in the dictionary is as a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength.

Recovery: as defined by a me as stroke survivors has an entirely different meaning. I do not feel as though I will every be the person I once was. I lost a lot, but I gained a lot too. I learned that what my dreams were, were fleeting, but I could change and create new dreams for myself.

Recovery to me is like the transition from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Two important and beautiful living beings that can accomplish things in two very different ways. I learned that I can still do things I just need to learn how to do them differently.

It's the frustration of remembering who I once was and how I did things that holds me back. Its been 15 years, but 2 years ago I started having seizures that are caused by the initial stroke. No matter how long you go, it still feel as though my recovery is not over. Most of the time I think like a butterfly by many times I just want to crawl into my cocoon and wallow in self piety.

I would love to find out your meaning to give me something to think about. I am also trying to do a paper on the subject. I would appreciate people's input or if you want to fill out a short survey and I will be posting what I discover here.


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Well, all I can do is welcome you aboard cause I can NOT read the small print you used in your blog....I don't know what you said the top part is good but the rest of what you wrote is unreadable for me...... Sorry!! 

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Wonderful thing to think about.

It is a goal, frustrating pursuit, a sneaking up of accomplishment that surprises me,compensation,relearning,becoming,blossoming. An uphill painful climb,a gentle glide on the winds,a great expectation,soulful howl of hope, generous bequeath by the universe, blessing by God,earned penance,a test,a quest,a journey,a mission,a procrastination. Do I mold my recovery or does it mold me. Does it happen unassisted,at home,in therapy or is it planned,predicted,practiced. Am I grateful for progress or disappointed in what is unrecovered.

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Hi my name is dianne and i had my stroke 9-25-2015 yes im still learning how to deal with it. Still get depressed and not used to being home All the time, see i used to be a bb coach and a referee so walking with a cane is annoying and no use of my left arm is unbelievable.!!! I do agree that recovery is like a caterpillar slow, very slow.I can no longer do what i used to do but im very hopeful. Ive learned how to do things a different way but they get done. Im grateful that i got to the hospital right away. I get frustrated when i have problems remembering. I really hate that!!! I dont feel that i will be that coach anymore or that referee but im praying and hoping that i will.!!!

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Wow Dianne, your stroke was pretty recent. Mine was in Feb 2015 and still the caterpillar time frame drives me crazy. And the same as you I have memory problems. I still have use of all my limbs but weak as ever. I try to do exercises everyday. I will never be the person I was before the stroke.

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