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My Daughter Gets Released On 11 January 2016!!!!!



Well, I'm still looking for the right place for my only daughter and first born to live because she gets released from a five year incarceration on January 11 next year 2016 and will need her very own place to live... Her only son is married with two young children and living in Japan working and attending business classes so when they return to America he can get a good paying job much easier he says....


I get a letter from her once or twice a week asking have I found a place for her yet which is hard to do with my money and not knowing when her Social Security ssi check will start back or how much it will be this time around.... All of these places I have checked on requires deposit plus first months rent and me not knowing if she will accept the place I get for her.... She says she is more religious and trust in God for her needs but they all say that when they get out then go right back to raising hell doing what they want to do....


I do hope and pray she will leave drugs alone and live a good life at 51 years old now and she can hardly walk which is why she gets SSI.... I will probably have to let her use one of my scooters to get around to church and to the store as I'm sure I can't run her all over town when she wants to go someplace....


She wants her son to stay at her house when they come to Texas to visit her and I have no idea where they will want to live and work when ever they get back to the states.... So I got a month or so to find her a place to live rather than some half way house so she will not be enticed to go back doing the wrong things in life again....


I shall see in due time and she will too as we try to give her a head start in life once again..... :rolleyes:


By The Way on the Puppies, we now got one girl left, the others are with new owners and my wife gave one to the lady friend that let her dog mate with our female.... So the little girl and her mom plays together real good until mom gets tired then she wants to rest up and be alone for a little while.... Maybe I can post pictures soon!!!!


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Fred you have your hands full with family matters and still one puppy to look after.  I just trust that things will work out for you.  Hugs and prayers coming your way.

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Fred, We're going thru the opposite: After doing his 5 yrs., and getting out of prison, my step-son is getting ready to go back in. This time, for about 10 yrs. We knew it was going to be hard on him, getting out of prison, finding a job, etc. We did all we could to help him. Gave him a place to live, helped him find a job, etc. And, he did better than we expected.We even dared to  hope that he had finally learned his lesson, and was going to be O.K. But, in the end, he chose the drugs again. So, don't stress, Fred. Because you can't control your daughter's actions.  If you find a place for them to live, and, they don't like it, they can find another place themselves. You can only do what you can do, and the rest is up to them. Rest easy.   Becky 

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Fred, I wish you the best with helping your daughter.  Sometimes they find God and religion in prison and start over doing good things for themselves.  As Becky stated, you can only do so much as you have to take care of yourself as well.  I pray all will work out for the best.


Have a Happy Thanksgiving and take care.



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Fred :


will be praying for you & your family to find good solution for your daughter.reading Beckys comment makes you realize as a parent we don't have much control over our kids actions. We can guide them & be there for them but at the end it will be their choices in life which creates their own destiny. Hope she learnt that valuable lesson in life & now will choose wisely.



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Many thanks to each of you, I had to get this off my chest, I know she will do what she wants to do so I hate spending my money to get her a decent place to live and she goes right back to doing the wrong things in her life.... I shall see soon enough and you would think this time a lesson will be learned by her....


It's going to be her choice, right thing or wrong thing, I have no funds to burn because it will be between her and social security and her ssi check if that's how she want to be with her life.... I will continue to pray for her.....

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Nonetheless, that is exciting news! I wish the best for all of you! Sounds to me you should be cautiously optimistic in this situation. Praying for all of you.

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