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They Said I Did Not Need To Go To The Hospital



My good leg was red,warm and painful. The assistant director of nursing looked at it,said it was a rash,and called the home doc who gave me hydrocortisone cream.


When that did not work and it was swollen foot to calf,beet red, steaming hot,painful to stand on,I demanded to go to the hospital. So the supervising nurse came to look. She said it might be infection. I said I wanted to go to the hospital. She spoke to Nurse Practitioner who said they would do doppler ultrasound in the morning and that they could treat it here so there was no need to go to the hospital. Ok so it was in the middle of the night but I was worried thinking pulmonary embolism or loosing the leg. Plus I do not go with being told I can't, like this is prison.


I called my doc, talked to advice nurse who asked me triage questions and then told me to get to the emergency room even if I need to call 911.


The nurse supervisor said he had to call the NP,said the NP wanted to talk to me,and expected me to. I said there is no need to talk to an NP, please get transport to hospital or I will call 911 as the hospital advice nurse suggested. There was a whole lot of discussion between 2 nurse supervisors,my nurse,and an NP on the phone instead of the doctor for the home. Finally they said transport would arrive. Then they huddled, got paperwork before taking me outside without a blanket or cover. They acted weird speaking to me like barking orders,instead of asking questions. Then when the woman asked me why didn't I let the home treat me,and rattled on and on. She turned on bright overhead lights to fill out paperwork. When I pleaded that it hurt my eyes,she said she was not going to strain her eyes!! I felt that familiar surge of Hulk starting. I said through gritted teeth,"Lets get this taxi to real medical professionals."


When I arrived,they took me to the room that was full of nurses. All that chaos way overstimulating,lights too bright, talking talking talking. It is in the wee hours. I am eXhausted,scared,relieved when the room clears and the lights of. I had IV antibiotics and sent with follow up pills. Diagnosis cellulitis. I stayed for tests and bloodwork to rule out other things. Then a really friendly happy crew transported me back to my home.they even covered me with warm hospital blankets. That shot of dilaudid helped to give me a pleasant time home.


Then my daytime nurse was talking to me about how nurses judgments must be respected. I Guess word spread I use my own judgment.


Recommended Comments

That one was worth fighting about, Cellulitis is no joke and needs immediate treatment.  If the nurses where you are didn't even recognise it, then no wonder you didn't let them treat it.  Sounds like they need to be reminded that they are human and don't know everything.  So keep on being the squeaky wheel in their day


hope it feels better soon


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