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How soon is too soon to meet a newbie



At the hospital today they did have one TV a patient on the rehab ward and the church showed day 0 she was just admitted to the rehab today I had a brief discussion with the nurse taking care of the person today and we decided she may need a couple days to adjust to the whole thing before being introduced to it the stroke ambassador as they call me.

As I told the nurse I was talking to today it took me almost a year to say the words I had a stroke without cringing and almost breaking down crying I don't think I would have been real receptive on day 1 I will just be monitoring her from a distance for the time being I certainly don't want to add any undue stress or anxiety to this person we all know it's stressful enough the anxiety is high what are the opinions out there of my dearest friends in the world I would love some guidance on this one.

Be blessed and be a blessing,



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I think a couple weeks to be honest. Depends on their cognitive recovery. I got my first visit about then, any sooner and I was still off in the cognitive weeds. Having my wife in the room helped me maintain focus.

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Jay - as a retired Rehab nurse - I always gave my patients 4 days to adjust to being in a facility. Elderly - maybe a week. I didn't start any stroke recovery discussions until at least a couple of weeks and sometimes even that was too soon. And I agree with Scott - always with family or friends in the room.


I do more now, with discharged Rehab strokes at about a year post than I ever did as a working nurse. I know Bruce wasn't ready for anything in depth, except following instructions, until 15 months post.


Thank you for the work you do. And really, the families need more support in the early months - so thank you for being there for them. Debbie

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