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How does all of u handle change in life



I am going through yet another change in our life. It's not very big deal but I m realizing and learning new thing about myself and hubby. I don't embrace change in life very easily it does rattle me and make me nervous versus hubby handles change more gracefully than me. He views change as opportunity for growth versus I view as y rock the boat when all is well. Anyway I know at one level I see and get his viewpoints, and know all will be well after initial hiccups how all of you handles change.


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I handle change opportunities head on I face my fears I take it one day at a time one hour at a time and sometimes one minute at a time I take ofears and .apprehension with same tenacity I took on my therapiyt post stroke I know you can do the same thing you're a strong person you're a fighter just take it on and when be well my friend




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Jay :


thanks for your kind words. today is new day & after listening to malala on my super soul sunday series I m going to choose courage over my fear of unknowns & whatifs, and be excited for opportunities  change might  bring in our life.



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I handle change quietly as it comes for the most part. Occasionally I remind myself that the doctors had told my wife I was unlikely to survive the initial event , but I did. Then I beat the 40% first year mortality rate and am mostly functional.So whatever changes come, I've seen worse and can still tell the tale.

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this is a great discussion topic.  I am constantly being challenged by change - the latest of which was the worse, the death of my husband 4 years ago. I am still in an upside down mode and am waiting with patience for the Lord to tell me my next move. Leah

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I do not handle change well. Outwardly, if I don't understand, I usually question???????? I'm also loud which is most always an issue. LOL Its not an issue with me.

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Asha, none of us like change. We don't like the fact that we are not in control of our life. After my stroke, and been told no working for me, I was lost, thinking what is life got for me now?  I have learn that trust in God, have a postive outlook, look up not down, and it will work out. My word for this year is Hope. I have life so I have hope, I have god in my life so I have Hope. I have a loving husband, great Kids, and grandkids, so i have hope.  Yes, my health is still not great, I do not  drive, and still take lots of meds, but still have hope. I look at what I have and not what I lost. 


Happy New Year Asha



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