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Too Funny



It has been a while, people - that I know. But we are doing well. Bruce had the best therapy session in 2015 to date. He was signed off to be in the pool, unsupervised. We private paid for a couple of weeks, so he could get more comfortable. But as usual, once therapy was done, he chose not to continue for now.


His WC will get a redo this year. Medicare won't approve a new chair, with basically no change in condition. But they will replace most of the parts. After six years, it is pretty sad looking - LOL. But mainly it is the cushion. That back support is so important. I don't understand how he is expected to sit on the same cushion for five years, but apparently that is it.


We are busy with the financial stuff - time to hunker down and get everything protected in case one of us needs Medicaid down the road. The funny thing is, if I had had good advice back six years ago, we would now be over the look back period. But we move forward with what we now know.


So, I know most of us deal with Vascular issues now. If not before stroke, certainly now, post stroke. High blood pressure, high cholesterol, Diabetes, Genetics, immobility, stenting - you all know the drill. We are probably the poster children for vascular issues.


Bruce had his 6 month PCP check up this week and a Diabetic foot check. Guess what - nobody can find Bruce's foot pulses - LOL. Now his feet are dry, pink, warm and no swelling. But 2 RNs, me, Doctor and a PA - no palpable pulses. So Ultrasound is ordered for today.


I know Bruce is OK and I do understand Doctor needs those pulses documented because of Bruce's new onset Diabetes. But, as usual with Bruce and I, it is a standing joke now that Bruce's feet are dead. And over the two days, we laughed about this often. Last night, I am teasing him that he is letting his affected right leg swing in the breeze - he does this when his hip is bothering him and he is overtired. In true Bruce fashion, he says "They are not dead. They are on vacation, in Cabo with Judy (his boss's wife), enjoying drinks by the pool at sunset." Well I almost fell over. Today Radiologist finds the pulses, no problem and Bruce looks at me and says "guess they flew in on the Red Eye." Gotta love him!


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LOL! Absolutely delightful, Bruce. You tell 'em! Glad you guys are doing well! Miss you 2, but glad to hear Bruce still has his sense of humor! Becky

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Great Bruce has a sense of humor Debbie.  You take care of your own needs too.  All care and no play makes caregivers just that extra bit tired. You have done so much in seven years, working and looking after bruce so Debbie needs to find Debbie something SHE likes to do.

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Those pulses must be related to the engine rattle in the car that only happens when the mechanic isn't there to hear it.


I do like that Bruce decided to send his feet on vacation rather than have them be dead.


If someone could work out how to give us a crash course on managing the system as soon as we got ill it would make so much difference. I've just recently discovered that there was a way to get extra therapy from my health insurance, so I'm a bit *beep* at missing 4 years of help I could have used. But I can't change the past so I'm using it now and moving forward.

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Lovely story, lol. Please that Bruce feet have come back from vaction, hope they had an enjoyable one. Wishing you both a great year, God Bless



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I'm just wondering with all the recent therapy sessions Bruce has gotten if perhaps a scooter would be a thing to try??? I don't know his ability to stand or use a cane but that is how I started out after I got out the WC for the first few months after coming home....


The little scooter I got from Medicare years ago that is small enough to fit through the bathroom doors I seldom used and the bigger scooters are from the VA, I got one in the house and one I haul in my SUV... The VA installed an electric lift to get it in and out I can do by myself...


Just wondering cause I know you have a balcony too and stairs in your home.... My walking has gotten very bad here lately so I hope using my exercise bike will start to make it better. 

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Debbie, I am so glad to hear that you and Bruce are doing so well. Tell Bruce that I am so proud of him. Great pool work out. William still goes 5 to 6 days of the week. Yes take care of yoursel. Ruth

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