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Wow do I love this site



I love blogging because I can make some simple observations about life and it is all the same time encouraging humbling inspiring there was a poor thing I wanted to say but per usual I've lost it somewhere in my mind

It is always so great when someone responds it's nice to know I'm not alone it's validating for me to know that I'm not alone in my specific frustrations, fear or anxiety whenever I need a new Survivor I was trying to figure out right away if they are computer savvy I just think everybody needs to be a part of this has been so helpful to me over the last year I am just beside myself with joy from this site

I have a meeting tomorrow with speech pathologist at the hospital where I do my volunteer work was trying to look at how we can expand my school with Services there I think that's where we're going to start rather than looking at other facilities at this time.

There are some people that come to the hospital with minor strokes and never make it up to rehab so I never get the opportunity to meet them or talk to them.

Minor stroke define at term humorous cuz when I first got out of the hospital the doctor told me you had an aneurysm and mild stroke after eight or nine months in the anger phase of things I said how do you want if I qualify a stroke is mild moderate or severe other than the fact that I'm still here to talk about it so I guess it wasn't severe but mild I had a stroke

I just like the term mild stroke any individual that has a stroke has had a stroke. That doesn't need to be quantified mild moderate or severe I'm stepping off my soapbox now

Be blessed and be a blessing



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Absolutely Jay, A stroke is a stroke and it can be tiny but in a vital spot, would that be classed as "mild" ( not to the person involved it isn't). 

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Please keep on up on that soapbox. Stroke deficits need to be addressed. The wrd mild is an easy insurance cop out. If someone is fortunate to remain as is,well it still is important for stroke watch &education.


Jay, I appreciate comments,your comments,for the same reasons. It is difficult with using a stylus but I like that.

I need to know I am not alone,that someone relates,listens

Thank you Jay for your frienhdship,know you have a friend in me.

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Well said Jay, a stroke is a stroke. Mine was called "mild". But it left me with my right side uselesness, walking with a cane, not able to remember things, not getting words that I want to say. Saying things with no filer. Plus I can not drive and doctors said no work.  My life has changed from a "mild stroke". Yes it could have been worse, I know a blessing , but it was a stroke.


Keep on what you are doing Jay


God Bless 


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