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Happiness/normalcy is possible at least a version of it



First of all let's agree that just like our caregivers can't truly understand what we're going through only a fellow stroke survivor can understand that let's agree that we don't have any idea what our caregivers are going through only other caregiver can relate to that as well


Ok a little history my wife and I am at 30 years ago while doing a play with local community group over the years we have Cole directed shows and directing shows individually we've been on stage and my wife is actually ran at the theater program at a middle school and then move with the kids up to the high school until after they graduate and she decided to retire.

As part of my ongoing Recovery I am seeing a counselor for depression and we were chatting at one point about theater and I said you know with my memory issues I don't think I'll ever be able go back on stage she said you really need to figure out a way to get involved because your face just lights up when you talk about the theater and then it hit me I can always work backstage.

This week my wife has decided that she will direct the next musical comedy that will be put on by the local group and just the joy on her face after the hell she's been through the last 2 years just warms my heart a friend of ours stopped by yesterday I heard the rumor that she was directing and he wanted to know for sure and I see is what about you and I sit with my memory issues I don't think I can go up on stage she said don't worry we'll find a job for you backstage I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of people that I haven't seen in awhile and getting back on the board you can if it is in the dark so I guess we're both progressing on this journey hand sharing our love of theater once again it's been a long two years for me and I can I can't imagine how bad it's been for my wife I appreciate everything she's done for me I know I never say that often enough so I guess we're taking another substantial step towards normalcy.

I'll be posting about my experiences and hopefully I don't make two many clearing mistakes.

Be blessed and be a blessing and take advantage of any opportunity even if its back getting back to normalcy even if it's not what you truly want to do get involved.



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Once again I find myself posting something and going back going wait a minute I need to add something to that well I'm adding this time is I've always said our life post-stroke is the new normal I guess the excitement about the happiness normalcy is taking back something that I thought I had lost from my old my pre-stroke life I still do appreciate my propost true life I'm not happy I had a stroke but boy am I happy I'm here


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Jay :


I am so happy for you. I think with positive attitude towards life everything is possible I am glad you both found your old activity & love for it together & adapt to make it new activity to do it together which you both enjoyed. I am sure this thing is going to make you guys even closer & your marriage stronger. Enjoy.



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Break a leg is the appropriate response
Asha your  words are just like honey so sweet I can't thank you enough I guess we all just need to keep hope alive

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