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Spring is in the air



It started yesterday with the geese and swans and today was standing on the corner waiting for my boss I always try to find a spot where I can get some sunshine there were two pairs of sparrows my initial reaction was older fighting then I realized they weren't fighting I think they were made great in front of me I'm so glad it nature is so comfortable with me they want more than 5 feet away from me when I get home this afternoon or 6 year old grandson was over so after dinner we were playing with his train sets I asked him how school was today he said it was crazy I said why is why I was so crazy he said all the boys were acting really wild so spring is in the air I think because it was relatively warm today and a lot of Sun all day long and is generally pretty dreary from November to April in Michigan because the Great Lakes is constantly clouds everywhere I think the boys were feeling a little bit of spring fever I did complet my grandson I'm being honest anyways I am so happy to be here and be able to experience life through the eyes of a four-year-old we saw once one out front of the house tonight and he just went crazy jumping around grab my binoculars and when Gran Kaywalked into the roon he just screamed a swan a swan and jumpi g around.

What an absolute delight I am so blessed I am humbled by the blessings that God gives me everyday.



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