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I would Love To Post A Picture Of My Tree



I got the only tree in my front yard that is brown and looks dead, no leaves at all, while other trees both sides of my street are green with leaves and it's been standing there since we bought the house back in 2000 as the builders planted a tree in each yard for the new home owners to have shade in their yards....


Spring has arrived the grass is green front back and each side of my house but that tree looks very dead now.... I even watered it and still no leaves are green yet so today I will get on my scooter and put fertilizer on it from Home Depot today maybe that will bring it back to look alive again.... All my neighbors trees on both sides of our street are green with leaves except mine......


Then I remember now my yard man died in October so I guess now I have to get someone to bring it back to life if that is even possible..... I love to go outside with the two dogs and sit in the shade of our tree to let them be outside for a little while..... I sold my mower years ago when I had the stroke and he took care of my grass and tree from then until he passed....


Now that I think about it, it seems so unreal for that tree to be dead but if it comes to it after consulting a groomer I will cut it down and plant another tree near the same spot... I don't guess that tree suffered a stroke?? :Doh:


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I know we have different trees all around us, and some are in full leaf now, while others still look barren.   But I'm guessing you know whether your tree should be leafed out of not, so you may have actually lost your tree.     There are several large blue spruces on our street, and they all look like fluffy full wonders... all but mine, that looks like an old cut Christmas tree with half the needles off.   I don't get it either Fred.   We loved that tree when we bought the house in 2010.

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Sounds like its time to take a scalpel and check for green wood under the bark.  If you've still got live wood prune hard, water and hope.  Otherwise time for a new tree.

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I think you are right, I watered yesterday but didn't prune so if it die or is already dead I can have a guy cut it down then into firewood for the fireplace..... In time I will get another small one from Home Depot or Walmart and plant it but I will wait awhile longer to be sure this one has died but if it is alive I will try to nurse it back to good health....


Sandy, this one was planted by the builders (just a little stick) when we bought the house in 2000 so I will figure out what to do next pretty soon......

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I know your climate in Texas is quite different than here in the frosty north, and what grows would be different, but I can think of a few types of trees that are always so late to leaf out that every year I forget and worry they are dead. One is a black walnut, so I wonder if this might apply to other nut trees as well. Another is a locust, the specific variety of which I have forgotten. This also applies to the Rose of Sharon, though that is really just a large shrub. So I am glad that you are giving your tree a chance! If it helps you feel better, here in northern New England nothing is turning green yet; I am just glad the snow is (mostly) gone. 

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I have a tree in front of our house that I wish our city would cut down.  It is an oak and diseased, with the big "gall balls" bringing down branches and falling off the tree.  If I am not careful, I step on one and can roll or fall.  I called the city last year but they said they know it is diseased but it has a few more years.  It is on common ground but we have to rake the leaves and pick up the mess.  The city is suppose to trim them.


The pear trees here are in full bloom and the red bud trees are coming out also.  So pretty.  You may need to plant another tree or have the city do it for you.



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I had a guy stop by yesterday and he told me the tree wasn't dead just late in getting green and some leaves on it.... He was a groomer and know about planting and growing yards to look beautiful so I guess he knows what he is talking about......

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