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Rain, and more Rain



Well folks you probably already know the rain is still falling in many states and places which looks like everywhere to me.... I have been glued to the TV watching the places that are flooded and the number of people where their homes are under water, it is so sad to see but I realize God is in charge so I pray for folks everywhere every day and night....


I haven't been outside much on my scooter to look at my own area but for now the water is just on the curb sides and flowing pretty good no big problems yet... More rain is predicted to fall until next week at 60 and 70 percent daily..... :roflmao: I'm sure the snakes will be trying to find higher grounds I haven't seen any on my property yet but I have my Hoe with me to try and kill them if I see them first while on my scooter outside....


So be careful everybody!!!!!!


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I too have a hoe to kill snakes Fred, ours are usually summer visitors just passing through.  I used to get real hysterical and did not leave much to be identified.  These days I just walk away. So sad to see your floods and the houses damaged and families dislocated.  Hope it all ends soon. One of my "cousins" in Washington State has a nephew who lost everything in the fires there.  Like us you live in a vast land of contrasts, floods, fires and drought can all happen at different parts of the country at the same time.

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Yea Sue, right now people in Louisiana are flooded many lives lost along with their homes, cars, dogs and other animals in Baton Rouge..... My wife's people are in New Orleans so they are not as bad off with the flooding like it was in Hurricane Katrina in 2005... New Orleans is 36 inches below Sea level I think it is and surrounded by water.... I never want to live there....

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Got my cast off my wrist .yay no longer need arm wrapped in Saran Wrap and tape. Hope the rain stays at curbside and your wife's family continues to do okay. Stay dry and safe . Blessings Lynn

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As best we can tell, my wife and I, her ex husband and his current wife are the only one she know about living in the flooded city of Baton Rouge so we may find out more on Tuesday when the President makes his visit there and the names of people are published....... So many are already in Shelters so a list will be established to get benefits from our government and the Red Cross....




Take it easy until you get used to not having the cast on again and try not to fall you hear me..... :Doh:  :pullhair:  

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