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Old age, cognitive impairment, or 30 years of marriage.?



Yesterday waiting for the bus at the main transfer, I was talking ,as always, with another patron, a young woman. Just small talk about riding the bus the weather etc.

Then she suddenly asked do you have someone, with a pause I waited for the rest of the question. I final said,im sorry I don't understand the question. She daid do you have someone a girlfriend or wife? I said yes I have a wife

She replied too bad because I would be interested. I told her it was flattering.

Well it's true.

So is it m yu cognitive impairment? Or the fact I haven't been out there in over 30 years.

I was simply being cordial with a fellow bud rider.


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It is the fact that you showed an interest in her Jay, people are so lonely sometimes and someone taking an interest in them can seem like an instant friend.  Just be your courteous and kind self and people do respond to you like that.  Just say thanks for the compliment and leave it at that.

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Jay, I agree with Sue, People are very lonely, and with these phones, and text, who talks now adays?. On my walking, I say "Good morning" to everyone i pass, most are so suprise, some smile, some want to talk, but  I am talking as I am still moving.  


Like Sue said, keep on been cordial, but don't read anything in to it.



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Ditto to the previous comments.....you're a nice guy, so people want to talk to you.  With regards to your question, I'd say "None of the above"!!  Lin

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Jay, in my opinion you are doing great being able to ride the bus by yourself and meeting many wonderful people you can conversation with during your ride.... I am too handicapped to go it alone so riding a bus is not possible for me....

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Jay you just got the IT factor my man and probably some hot looks that woman was overcome!!!


And a steady paycheck.

so watchout about that flattery. even when it is true. and when you have a hot awesome wife.

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