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News of the Weekend..



It was a great 4th of July Weekend for all of us. I was unable to keep Lisa from Bayshore overnight because of some insurance thing, but it was O.K. She was really tired out by the time I got her back. We had a blast!!


I did learn something though. We still have a long way to go. I think Lisa realizes it too. She even stated that she doesn't think she will be ready to come home on Aug. 1st. I reassured her that if not we'll just keep working toward that day and it will happen when she is ready.


Now my rant....I have been fairly happy emotionally lately, but there is something that bothers me. As I have said, the route I take to Bayshore goes through the tourist part of our city. It is a huge hassle cause there is always hundreds of people walking the streets checking out the shops. What has been bothering me is seeing couples and families vacationing. I don't know if I am jealous of them. We always made a point of going on a family vacation every year. This year we were going on a cruise of the Bahamas, but obviously had to cancel. I have feelings that family vacations are not going to happen anymore. I hate seeing them. They look like they don't have a care in the world. I know this sounds like "Why me?", but I can feel like this if I want. Thank you...end of rant.


Lisa is working like a dog in therapy though. She is now going twice a day and has been able to stand unassisted for 30 minutes. She is truly my hero.






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Family vacations aren't a thing of the past, they will just require a lot more planning.


Plan for frequent stops if driving, finding single stall bathrooms, handicap accessible hotels (you'll have a rant the first time you stay at one), handicapp accessable attractions, etc. Life doesn't stop because of a stroke, it just changes.


Keep up the good work, and if you're waiting for the day you both feel ready for her to come home then you'll have a long wait ahead of you. Jump in, hang on, keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times, and enjoy the ride.





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John and I flew to Arizona last October, a little over a year oist stroke,

we had my son in law drop us off at the airport, checked our luggage with skycap and did ticket/seat assignment right there...I have loss of peripheral vision, and people coming up quicly on either side sometimes makes me jump..we took our time and got through security and to the

gate...i just stayed close to John and held my arm....I was proud I walked it..but there are wheelcahirs and little motorized things..we stayed at our in laws, went to the family reunion and I found it very relaxing and really enjoyed myself..I even cooked meals and everyone helped with dishes and cleaning up..my mother in law has very little vision and father in law had Parkinson's ..he passed away in Feb so I was very thankful for the quality time we had with them.....just take thins at a slower pace....one day I slept 13 hours......as Michael said it's not over just takes a little more planning......Bonnie

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Guest lwisman


I live in the Chicago area and went on vacation to Australia in January. I had my stroke in March of 1997 so it has taken a long to time to get to the point of feeling like I could take such a long plane ride.


I have also been to several place in the US, the furthest being Albuquerque by car four years ago. I have also taken a number of shorter plane rides.


When I first had my massive stroke I didn't think I would ever to able to travel again. Not true.


When you get to the point of trying come here for input. Lots of people have traveled and can give you really helpful insight.

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after my stroke in 2004, I planned our europe vacation including buying tickets arranging everything, and we went in package tour and I was not slow poke of the group, I had blast in Europe with my family



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