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life change



So by now, everybody knows that when you have a stroke, or any medical condition, that doesn't allow you to move that well that weight becomes an issue. Well I'm about 110lbs over weight. I've tried so many diets as well as seeking the advice of multiple nutritionists and the verdict is I eat very healthy overall but I'm not eating enough so my body is going into starvation mode,my body feels i'm not getting enough calories so it stores all the calories I do eat and turns that into fat...like it's supposed to. If I eat just to eat because I know it's healthier for me, I get sick. So days my brain tells my stomach that eating and drinking isn't necessary, I don't feel the need to eat or drink.. ANYTHING so I occasionally sip or nibble on something and this can go on for days. Likewise, I have days when my brain tells my stomach that I would crumble if I don't eat or drink, I devour EVERYTHING and drink till I'm floating. That feeling of starvation happens so rarely. SO.. you would think that eating as little as i do I would be a small as a blade of grass...but I'm not. My mother had weight loss surgery and has had excellent results. So i decided to check it out and I automatically qualify due to my health issues as well as BMI. I've started to undergo my pre-op testing, and yes I've been eating certain foods that after I can't have. I'm excited. In a few months I can be on the right track to a healthier me. I have to exercise 30 mins a day and in the warmer months that6 will be no worries but in the winter I can go to my parents house and walk on the treadmill, I live .5 miles from them on same road :) Hopefully by this time next year, I'll be at or nearer to me before stroke. Healthy weight range is my goal.


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