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It's really happening



So as many of you know, I have trouble with my eyes. Double vision, bouncing eyes and just all around strain and difficulty reading. So after 8 years of searching for help regarding them.. it finally happened yesterday. My parents and I went to Philadelphia to University of Pennsylvania Hospital and met an angel. I was referred to a surgeon from my neuro ophthalmologist and I must admit when I first went there, we were late from morning AM traffic. We left EARLY had to drive 2 hours to get there..... OK so we MAY have stopped for breakfast. haha. So the doctor usually deals with children at CHOP ( Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania)  but he deals with adults, and he begins jumping head first with me. He was amazed with my eyes for the both bounce differently and different directions.  I explained to him I've tried visual therapy for years and he said," That will never do anything for your eyes'". I immediately thought how much money I could have saved over 8 years but we agreed that some helped with strengthening certain muscles that brought my eyes closer together. So after what seemed like an eternity of using prisms to measure my eyesight, I was certain he was going to tell me that there isn't much he can do but he didn't. He explained a few options.. cut this and loosen my eye and sew this and he had to consult others for a certain plan because my eyes are so unusual.  So basically,  he is able to straighten my eye and trim one muscle to lower the opposite eye so they are even and then there is a possibility to lessen the bouncing with ,the process has to be discussed with other specialist.  U of Penn hospital has a computer/skype process that they consult with specialist around the country before ANY procedure.


But to have my eyes straight again, there is a possibility that whenever I look to the sides, I may have double vision.. I'll take it and less bouncing. . WHAT.. this is a dream. My mother actually started crying listening to the doctor tell me the possibilities.  I have to admit that I felt vindicated because finally someone other than me heard about the issues I have with my eyes. I mean, when I tell someone I can't go out because I am having a hard day, now after hearing the doctor talk about what each eye is doing was more exciting than the news. It's the simple things. The doctor only operates on Adults on the third Thursday of the month and April, he's gone but he is going to ask if he can get a day for me for this is going to be an intense surgery . I'll be asleep so I won't know.  The only thing he said I'll have after is red eyes, in he whites, for a while as it heals and some people return to work within a few days and I'll be able to tell a difference immediately,  Fingers crossed 


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I am so happy for you!!


I know whatcha mean. No one gets it what a world we experience with our visual stuff.

I do the eye exercises. Making Es line up and beads on a string.

I go to special Eye Institute amd they finally got my glasses Rx pretty good.They put prisms in one eye only so I know Unisual.

I inquired about surgery but my eyeballs only have tinge of misalignment that is not noticable now but may increase over time. Apparently they wait for it to be more.

Ok bouncing eyes are the worst and vary day to day for sure plus apparently disappear according to my current PT since my PT this time but I ditched this one for upcoming therapy.....anyway he said I do not have jumping eyeballs because he did not see anything wrong with that and went on to say I do not have true vestibular....blahblah...in the meantime I use one eye to read because of the eyes going off in different directions and not working together to track read see the world. I politely stated I was told I had a mild case by eye specialist. That PT said he did not see anything at all. I said well wow you guys cured me.  That's my southern sass that gets unrestrained. But I am not candidate for surgery said a panel. Not yet. Hopefully never will get to that. Never the less I have enough symptoms to make my world a fun house.  But no one knows. I must explain endlessly that I have visual probs. 

If you get the chance to see even a bit like before well a miracle thats all.

I pray you will feel brave and be surrounded by comfort of angels always.

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7 hours ago, SassyBetsy said:


I pray you will feel brave and be surrounded by comfort of angels always.

you know that you are amazing to me and I can't imagine your world but know that wherever your world takes you, I'll be along for the ride!!

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6 hours ago, tmciriani said:

Kelli I am so excited with you! This could be life changing...how wonderful is that?

I had a dream last night and my eye surgery happened and though I still had drunk feeling in my head i was able to see correctly. Then, as always, life plays it's prank on you and when I woke up I was feeling fantastic and realized I hadn't had anything and was so sad ;) 

But thank you bunches

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so happy for you you found great doctor who can fix your bouncing eyes troubles will keep you in my prayers 


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That's wonderful Kelli I'm so pleased for you.  I had a similar response when I was finally referred to the  surgeon to fix my shortened calf muscles.  In my case only 5 years after asking EVERYONE if there was anything that can be done to make my leg more functional.  My miracle man was also a pediatric specialist. You feel slightly silly sitting his waiting room but  what the heck if he can help.

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