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I'm just sitting here bored out of my mind.  there is no one down in the Social Room I want to visit with. (I live in an Independent Living Senior apartment building-I'm the youngest one here by a few years).  There isn't anything on tv except for all the controversy surrounding "you know who" for a while until baseball comes on.  was supposed to have an MRI yesterday but the machine broke Monday night so now I have to wait until May1.  Have a 48 hour EEG coming up next Mon-Wed. decided to stop my volunteer work with the local bus company because I was concerned about being out with a group and having one of my episodes. I was a Mobility Mentor-we go with seniors/disabled on the bus to appointments/shopping/outings.   We show them how to ride the bus and help them get there and back home. I'm also the Activities Coordinator for the Mobility Travel Club I set up here in my building-I look for things for the travel club to do and schedules the outings.  having one of my episodes and not feeling to hot but don't want to go be alone in my apartment. I will be so glad when we figure out what is going on with me and takes steps to resolve these issues. of course that may not happen, but I am hopeful.


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Terry :


welcome to hidden jewel of strokenetwork, our blogging world  where if you come here often, you will never feel alone or different. Keeping busy in activities you enjoy is good thing. I found blogging & chatting with other survivors very therapeutic for my soul. hope to see you around often.



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Hi TS,  I'm not living with a lot a people much older than me.  But I know what you mean.  I'll go down to the Older Person's Center here and I'm usually the youngest by 20 years or so on avg.  Some I really like to visit with but others are a PIA.  Always critical about everything, with never a kind word for anyone.  I leave the room too.  Not sure what you issues are and limitations are, so have no ideas for you, but I think we all have those days.  I'm kinda having one today.  Just exhausted and too tired to really do anything.  Hate those days. 


anyway, Have a Great Day!



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Reading is fantastic.  I used to do that pre-stroke. Read lots.  Now with my headache I usually get about 20 min. at a time.  I took up my 30 year old stamp collection and started that again.  It is nice since I can "travel the world".  Right now I am working on Greek stamps.  I stop and learn a little bit about the stamp the year there etc.  I have found out about the leaders, wars, different taxes they needed and was added to stamp.  I found out when they invaded Turkey and issued stamps for a few years for use in that territory.  Massive inflation.  Their stamps used to be a few lecta? to a few Drachma.  I put in a my album a stamp that was 5 million drachma.  Now that is inflation.  A few years later they devalued the money and the stamps show it.  Similar to pre-WWII German stamps were in the millions of Marks because of their inflation. 

(picture goes here, but haven't learned how yet)


Pictures of sites, artwork, animals, cars, trucks, trains (one of my favorites), etc.  So much to stop and enjoy.  When you look at years at a time you can see a story unfold.  Not as hard for me as reading, and does help with boredom.  Unfortantely I cant do it very long at a time before I mess up and have to quit.  I also figure it is very good as therapy.

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These things may not be your cup of tea lol but I have found a few things to keep my mind busy. Gardening, planning (exercising my craftiness because I decorate the pages), crossword and find a word puzzles, Diamond Digger (love this online game lol), making a family recipe book to give as Christmas presents, doing DIY projects, a good 'ole' nap, taking care of my flowers (this is really relaxing to me), finding new ways to organize and trying to actually do it (I'n not the best organizer), painting small doable things (like doors and frames, porch light, car rims, house numbers, reading but not really any books I can't stick with it, getting involved with Stroknet, going to my local farmer's market, right now I am trying my hand at making compost {not really sure how it will go}), and several more. Some can seem so mundane but somedays it hits the spot! 

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making compost?  That has got to be a crappy job! :smile:

I would like to try that, but don't think it would go over with my neighbors. 

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It actually isn't smelly and is contained so it doesn't look like a pile of dirt. It smells like dirt (clean dirt if there is such) trust me I'm not all about the smelly either lol:wink: and crap well really has nothing to do with it but my plants love it!

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I'm with you on the gardening.  I have a lot of flowers and shrubs in pots (left over from when I used to move every three years) and a few hours in the garden quiets my mind. The thing with pots is that when I get bored I can move them around and redistribute colour and foliage.  I also do handwork and at the moment am making Twiddle Muffs for the nursing home I visit.  Always something to do to keep boredom at bay. Of course I am two handed so don't know what handwork you could do. I do know a lady who has only one hand which is usable and does tapestry on a frame. And there is always sitting in the sun and daydreaming.....:cool:

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