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William's new schedule.  William is now home bound.  I do not take him out.  It has been summer and miserably hot here is Texas.   He is refusing the pool workout.  So no pool for the summer.  I may try again after the kids go back to school.  But, it depends on William.  He gets so ugly when he does not want to do something.  I fortunately go to the gym every morning by 5 A M.  I get my swimming done and yoga.  I usually get a 3 hour respite from caregiving.  I get home and take the dogs to the park for their hour walk.  I don't get to exercise William , so I exercise my dogs.

I get home. Bathe the dogs and then walk William to the living room and prepare his breakfast and give him his morning meds.  He cannot walk by himself.  I move the left leg and he moves the right.  I set him up with you tube and he gets interested in a documentary.  He will stay out there until 11 or noon.  I will walk him back to the bed and he will nap for 1 or 2 hours.  I get him up and give him lunch or a snack.   He will stay up and listen to music or play ping pong on the Nintendo.  Or I will find a movie ( either Patton or the Tuskegee airmen).  I usually clean the house and do laundry or shop.  When I get my work done , I work on my quilts.  I need to go and let William get up to listeten to the news on hurricane Harvey.


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We went to the pool for a while years ago, then Ray refused to go.  We bowled for a while, then Ray refused to go.  Add picnics, going away anywhere but to our daughter's place.  It seems that as age and disability combined to slow them down this is what happens.  Go to exercises yourself for as long as you can Ruth, even if you have to pay someone to sit with William.  You do need that time away from caregiving.



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Ruth :


william is adult & if he refuse to do his pool therapy then its his choice. you can do what you can do in your power.




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Ruth: been a long time for sure. I haven't been onsite for a long while - going through some issues here. But I was so glad to see you had posted. I was basically checking in to see how all our Texans were doing.


I am sorry about William's decline and I do hope it is temporary. You do so much for him. 


Good to hear you are still getting off to your yoga and swimming. I know this is so important to you. And the little puppies are doing well.


Please know I think of you and William often. You were so helpful to me in those early years.


Be well, stay strong. And know that you are in my thoughts. Debbie

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I have been thinking of you and William during this devastating time. Please take care. Praying for your safety. 

Julie Eckelman

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I love your daily routine. I pray that you can have special time with William and good for you for allowing him to do things on his terms his way.


Glad to hear from you Debbie. I keep you in my prayers.

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Your experience touches me. I see someone who is a true CARE GIVER. I feel as a survivor that is so hard to do. Bless you for the care you give and as others have said keep taking time and care for yourself. I can't put myself in your shoes but I can imagine and see what all has been done for me. I am forever so grateful. Prayers for you and your family.

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