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time is flying by



Nothing new to report  here, time just fly by. I blink & weekend is gone & so does the week.  recently after my fall on stairs I was having pain in my good leg knee, went to doctor to get it checked & according to him, he did not see any fracture or any other major trouble so his suggestion was take OTC pain relievers like aleve or anti-inflammation pills. pain is no fun, though it has power to push you to dark place fast if you don't keep eye on your thoughts. So I am keeping eye on my thoughts. Sunday is usually reserved for watching my super soul sunday show on oprah's OWN channel which does great job of mood equalizer and puts me on right direction. yesterday she was talking to author Iyanla vanzat about her new book trust. listening to author about her life experiences which were rock bottom & still finding courage to climb up from that muck was quite inspiring. We all are total sum of our experiences in life & our decisions & choices we make during our life's journey. I realize having great set of parents & family did give me head start in my life, parents who made sure to give us best education & always looking out for us, things we take for granted.






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So true, parents that gave us a great start in life, gave us support and encouragement and helped us to have values. I am very grateful for that and tried to do the same for my three children. Like you I do have some days when things go wrong and I am down and it takes an effort to get back up again so I look for inspiration. I don't have to look any further than this group. You and Kelli and Sarah and so many others inspire me to go on, to have faith, to look forward not backward. Thank you Asha.

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