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ok .. i got this.. wait what.... Squirrel



I don't blog but as I sit here at 1:13a ( EST) my mind was thinking of how "easily" I was able to change my sleep pattern. I say easily with great skepticism. Why? Well I do have rough nights when I don't take my ADD medications.. ok so why can i do this? Coffee? Given. But I was always a night owl. Living on 2-3 hours of sleep ( mind you this was pre-stroke and pre ADD meds) and indulging a 'breakfast of champions" which consisted of a bag of Doritos and a can of Mt Dew. I later found out it was the Mt Dew that was keeping me in balance for an ADD/ADHD brain runs , let's say, with a low battery life. You need a good charge of electrical function to have a "normal" functioning brain and the caffeine was the substitute for new batteries. But , we all know that caffeine doesn't last long. So we drink more right? At that time I had a condition called SVT or , in the way I understood it,  your heart has a flap, much like your throat for breathing and drinking water. When you drink, the flap closes so no fluid gets in. Well your heart has that so the electrical currents circulate all throughout your heart. Well my flap remained closed so the current would get stuck and cause my heart rate to jump from 88bpm to 250bpm when I exerted myself. So that wasn't pleasant so I didn't drink a lot of caffeine. It's fixed now but if I drink to much caffeine around the time I take my ADD meds, I go into a extra hyper mood. BAD. ((side note: when I was talking to a guy on the phone for the first time ( a while ago) I did just that and it wasn't good)) I typically get home around 8a ish, and i try to go straight to bed. Must shower and feed cats.. OK so  now around 9a.. I fall into a deep sleep till about 1pm. Not nearly enough sleep. See before my stroke, staying up is a breeze.. But now, I must stick to my bedtime ritual of finally hitting the hay around 5-6a on my days off. So I work one overnight and one 3-11. So you say that's crazy to keep that time when you don't have to work. And to that I say ...you're right . But as with everything we must do after a stroke, we must practice for a while to get back into the swing of things.. Me it's conditioning my sleep schedule . Before working, I would spend weeks to months doing the same things to better relearn on simple task like walking .


There was a thought to this but I've lost it.. so there  is a sample of life in my brain. I circle then lose my point.. As I normally say.... There ya go.. you're welcome :wink:


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Kelli, my daughter-in-law is a shift worker (police assistance line) mostly nights and she has that problem too. Even on her days off she sleeps odd hours. But she does craft work when she can't sleep, something soothing rather than stimulating. We all have life patterns, eat, work,  eat, sleep, the trick is keeping control. Good luck with that. (((hugs)))

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Sleep pattern meep blattern.


Every time I think my sleep pattern is getting nearly in tune with the rest of the 'normal'  world, things seem to go south very quickly. 


One day.

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On 5/9/2020 at 6:42 AM, GreenQueen said:

Sleep pattern meep blattern.


Every time I think my sleep pattern is getting nearly in tune with the rest of the 'normal'  world, things seem to go south very quickly. 


One day.

you made me smile :)

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