


So I clear improvement form last year. I use thanksgiving as an excuse to put up the Christmas decorations and last year i could just manage to climb the step ladder and then my balance was precarious and i had to use a free hand to steady myself. This year was pretty easy tho I did need a nap after I finished. So while I decorate Deb cooks  a big vegan meal this time with a roasted faux beef joint. large.DSCN5588.JPG.a8256338f5056240fa06bf64994fdef1.JPG

Mental attitude has shifted also.. after my stroke i was thinking I'd be happy to make another Christmas and I had made a bucket list to see Monument valley and Carlsbad Caverns. ( which I did) so now here I am a year and half later! So perhaps a bit corny but I thought I do a stoke gratitude list:-

      1. still being alive1

     2. thanks to the surgeon who got my clot removed against a 90% mortality rate.

     3. My inpatient therapists who got me walking and riding again. ( even tho with no style)

     4. Friends and family who supported me in both emotional and logistics.

     6. my out patient therapists who got me running again.

     7. My wife who was at my side through the stroke % the recovery.


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It's great that you have listed so much you are grateful for. Yes, you have come a long way. I had my grandson here to put my decorations up, at my age ladders are taboo. Keep up the good work, your tree is lovely.

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