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Time Marches On



I haven't posted in awhile --- March 11th will be our decade anniversary of my husbands stroke that changed our lives.... We finished up our home remodel ( Dan came back home from the nursing home due to covid) the remodel made the home more accessible for him - and better for me to help him. 

But -- a couple weeks ago I was helping Dan with his bath , went to swing his leg and pop something inside me popped. We thought I had prolapsed my uterus - but turned out to be my bladder. So surgery to put that back in place is next week. Good lord- Im falling apart, literally -- LOL nothing to do but get fixed ... Kids will take care of the AM and PM duties and my sister will take care of the daily incidentals that happen. I will return to work as quick as I can -- cause I really like to work. Work used to be work and I enjoyed it enough back in the day - but I really can see apart from a paycheck what a blessing work is. Get out, see others , research, talk to clients , assist them ... etc... 

I don't have pearls of wisdom -- but I write to remind myself of what has happened , where I've been in the stroke recovery rollercoaster, and how I push through... Im 53 years old now... 43 when the rollercoaster ride began and sometimes it seems like yesterday and others times it seems like a century ago... But I am thankful, for sure God has watched over us and provided the tools to continue on our life journey ( like stroke net ) ... 


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Oh Nancy OUCH, and phooey, glad the team will be around to help you through the surgery and recovery period. Hope all goes well and you get back to work ASAP, I so understand the importance of it, other than the paycheck which I must admit also helps a lot.

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Holy Crow.. I can't even imagine how that feeling was. I'm glad you you will be good, in the end..  I'm glad you are able to help Dan more but golly...be careful. yeesh

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I survived the surgery - I had a bit more trouble than anticipated with the anesthesia- have had  nausea even 2 weeks out. And some pain and aches as well . But it is what it is... and Dan has been nothing less then great. Family has helped as much as Ive asked and needed. I have caught up on a lot of TV all if it crap - but lol - it caters to a population. to each their own as the saying goes.... I went back to work last week on Monday ( 1 week after surgery ) just half days . By noon I was tired. I'll play this coming week by ear. My job is not physical more analytical. And my little criminal clients and I have a good working relationship. I just wish I didn't know them so well. Some I've known since they were young juveniles in the 90's -- so now Im dealing with them, their children and grandchildren. Crazy - most actually none of them are "bad" people - they just never had a chance or opportunity to be anything else. Stuck in a vicious life of crime, usually motivated by drugs. So I remain thankful to work and take care of Dan and have a good enough life to continue on its journey. NancyL 

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Nancy caregiving does cause physical problems. Since I turned 70 I have had several remedial procedures for problems caused by me lifting Ray off the floor etc. Please be very careful with what you do and how you do it. Glad you have the support team to help you during your recovery.

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So hard to be a caregiver. Sometime worse than being the patient. April is 65 and 5 years younger but it's not her that has something wrong with her. She's normal, strong and just fine yet she's tasked with my issues yet soldiers on anyway. She liked working too and it got her out and socializing but was getting near retirement and then the company sold anyway. We have been home together and I have been a cremudgen often and that is so unfair to her. I gave myself a good talking to and realized I had better love her the best I can or lose her altogether. I don't know if after 42 yeas (this Saturday)  she would walk out but I can surly let her know how much every little thing she does for me means to me and make this as bearable as possible.. I know your man would agree. 10 years! You are a saint.   


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