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I hate winter viruses



This blog is not going to be happy and bright so stop reading it whenever you like.


I have a winter virus, it is one of those miserable streaming nose viruses. I have had it for five days and it usually goes in seven or so. With a virus there is no medication so it is paracetamol, good hydration, soft foods and hot drinks. It is also vast amounts of boredom if you live alone. No going out for coffee, no browsing around the shops, seems much like lockdown in Covid times. And no I don't have Covid.


So it is crocheting, a little housework and then binge watching TV series I like. It is catching up with friends by phone, sending emails as cheerfully as I can manage and a lot of time moving from bed to chair and back again. Take into account this is mid-winter and although the sky is blue the wind on the front verandah is making it seems much colder than the predicted temperature.


This is also the time when my Adelaide children are with their Mum and we were supposed to meet for lunch on Tuesday. I was also meeting with friends on Thursday, that don't be happening now. And to add insult to injury "Christmas in July" on Saturday. Being winter here and summer when the REAL Christmas comes, Christmas in July is a new tradition and a time to catch up with friends over a nice baked dinner. So boo hoo. Not fair


Apart from that life goes on. Church meetings mid week like Bible study and Coffee,Craft and Chat not on this week as we are getting new carpets laid. Lions dinner not on this week as the restaurant we meet at is being renovated, given a "new look"etc ! So I am not expected to be those places. My Muffin Break pals have been in touch so they know I'm home recuperating. So I am okay. Not wonderful but okay.


In the face of all the misery on the world my troubles are few and I really have no right to complain but hey! isn't that what you do when you have a virus? More cheerful blog will be posted when this **** virus is over.


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Hang in there. You will feel much better soon. In the mean time retreat into blankets, hot packs and soup by the fire.  If you give in and embrace the experience it passes much quicker.

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I took a couple of weeks to get over the virus, it was a nasty one. I missed seeing my grandchildren which was sad as the boys will be back for the next school holidays but not Tori as again the Uni holidays different to high school holidays. I am just glad to be out and about again

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