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im excited



im just so excited at the moment i just did something i've been wanting to do for along time even before my stroke i wanted to get deeper in this matter

well i just signed up for online home college courses in computer programing

it starts in 7 days im waiting impatiently i must say lol not patiently

plus my sweetie gf is proud of me and excited as well so thats a big bonus as well

this is something i have done in the past before my stroke but i never attended college fot more experience and brain power im ready now

it will give me something more to look foward to during the day when muh gf is at work to

welp im out peace have a fantastic day


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Way to go Stan! I know you'll do well with the courses. You never can go wrong by educating yourself.

Lots of luck,


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hey stan :


that's great thing let me know how it goes, anytime if u need any help in assignments, don't hesitae to ask



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That's great Stan. See the stroke was good for something. You never would have done it if you didn't have the stroke. Now you've got the time and have the patience to do it (well patience after you get started. Right now you're so excited, you coul fly.


I'm happy for you.

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