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Coming Home



Well, Lisa is coming home for the day on Sat. It will be the first time in our house since Mar. 4th and she is really looking forward to it. Her birthday is on Monday so it is kind of an early present. Good thing that I have cleaned recently. I haven't had a ramp built on the front of the house yet, but it's in the works and a set of car ramps I have work slick.


This trip home has got me thinking about what I will need to do to adapt our home. I have said that with the benefit money she has made we were going to add an addition to our home, but that seems a little overboard. She agrees with me. We both weren't in the right frame of mind at the time. What we are looking at is a stair lift to the second floor. Lisa's brother has a friend that actually installs them and he said he wouldn't charge us for labor, just the cost of the lift. COOL!


The bathroom is another story. It is quite small. I am thinking that the tub might have to be removed and a large drive-in shower might need to take its place. I haven't run that by her yet. She loves that tub. I am also looking at bath benches, but we'll see. Other than that, the house should be good. All the doorways are wide enough on second floor and we did a home improvement on first floor that removed all the walls to open it up.


I am excited and apprehensive about her coming home. Excited, of course, because it will be much easier on her and myself. Being able to come home right after work, that's just crazy talk! But, what do I do while I'm at work. I haven't even looked into home health yet. She doesn't need all that much care really. Help to the bathroom and meals I think. And her walking is improving. Maybe I am putting the cart before the horse right now. A month and a half before her release is a long time for now.


As far as outpatient rehab, Bayshore (where she is now) has that and Lisa loves her PT and OT people. I think we will stick with them.


That's it for now. Looks like we're moving to the next step. I have been reading all the blogs here and it seems to me that everyone is on a upturn. It's nice to see.





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I'm glad to hear Lisa is coming home for the day. I remember the first time Chris came home for the day. We didn't even think about any kind of ramp, we just killed ourselves to get him in his chair up the steps.


Now that Chris is home I found his therapists to be a wealth of information in what I needed for him. Talk to Lisa' therapists and explain your house, what your plans are and if anything needs to be different believe me they will tell you.


Enjoy your day.........I remember that excitement!!!! bouncesmile.gif


Kim smile.gif

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