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Everything is breaking!



The breaking started yesterday.... The AC went out on us, in the car, on our way, to see hubby's Grandparents 45 min. away.


It was so fun, to sit in the car, not prepared to sweat, and have the windows down, with the air, tangling your air up....


When we got to our destination, I felt and looked horrible.. sweaty /wet back, air a mess, feeling icky, and *beep* at my car.


I would rather the air go out, than be stranded on the road. I was thankul for something. AC is a luxury....


Tonight, our microwave just quit.! No warning, just got tired and died...


No biggie.. I will pick one up this week when grocery shopping. I need to find how I need to ditch the old one. I think I can't just put it out in the trash. I will call our city sanitation dept and see.


My AC in the car, is a diff. story. WE are going to put it in the shop. My hubby tried to fix it by recharging the thingy??? Didn't work.. He thinks, it is the compressor clutch. It will kick on then off when you look at it under the hood.


I can, but don't prefer to suffer through the last couple of summer months, with no AC.


I could if I had to.... but really don't wanna put Daughter through it either.


I hope, that this is all the electronic drama for this week!!



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asha, i was about to write that SAME THING!!!!!! you beat me to it. lol

but amy, when it rains it pours, that's for sure. and when i read about the broken ac, i got sweaty thinking about it!!!!!!!! when i have electronic problems( which is often) lol i call my friends who are not

"electronically challenged" lol, and if they can't help, i look in the yellow pages!!!! best of luck dear.



kim pash.gifpash.gif

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