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Unconditional Love



Looks like several members figured out the one I love the most in this world. Yes, I have come to love me the most. biggrin.gif


There's an old saying "You can't love others until you love yourself", and that is a very true statement. On the flip side of that is "If you don't love yourself, then you will love someone you don't really love".


I wanted to fill a void of love in me so bad, that I jumped into bad relationship after bad relationship. I ended up marrying someone who was wrong for me, just to fill that void.


The only one who can fill the void of love is yourself. Sure, a person needs friends for human interaction, but they can't truly find love until they find it in themselves. Why go through life bitter, when you can spend some quality time with yourself and find the love you've always wanted?


The hardest part of loving myself was dealing with what I deamed physical flaws. I'm my own worst critic in that department. But after a good long look in the mirror and paying more attention in my daily life, I've realized I'm not that bad looking. Heck, women on the street are always "checking me out" and I never realized it because I thought I wasn't worth the effort.


My inner self wasn't that hard to love. I came to terms with it a long time ago. It just required a few hours of just being with myself and thinking and soul searching.


All in all, I'm not a bad person, and learning to love myself flaws and all has led to a lot more happiness and smiles in my life. I think I'm giong to enjoy this new found love for a while, and then maybe find someone to share it with. If that doesn't happen, it's no big deal, since I have all the love I really need at this moment in time.


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WELL, I was wrong. bop.gif And NO I will not reveal who I was thinking either, so don't ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Denny bop.gif

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i am SO glad it's you with all those flaws and NOT me!!!! lol. on a serious note, you are right. one must love himself before he can truly love another, i believe. that has been my problem as well. i am just glad you are figuring it out before i did, because you are saving precious years of your life, which as i well know, CAN be very unhappy.


love ya little bother


kim pash.gifpash.gifpash.gif

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your thoughts sound a lot like my thoughts were during the waning days of my first marriage


i hope that you achieve what you want and deserve from life



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