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late night thinking



Just got out of chat. Thinking of the coming week. HELP, I can't get my mind to stop. Behind me 4 beautiful children are sleeping. My husband is sawing logs and Kate and the baby are all snuggled together in the rocking chair sound asleep. I have to take the kids back to their foster care home and get ready for the adoption guy to come. He seems real nice, but there are times I just don't trust about him. Something just doesn't seem right and I don't know what it is. Each time I have this feeling I am right but I don't know where it is pointing me. Usually I know right away and go about fixing the problem. I was suppose to bring the kids back Sunday night but they wanted to stay one more night. Foster Mom said it was Ok. She misses the kids, but her husband doesn't.

Mom wasn't feeling well today, and would not eat. That is so worrisome with her diabetes. Her voice is real raspy again too. I know that her voice will never be the same again but this is like just after her surgery. She tries to put up a good front when I am in the room. The other day she said she was a burden on me. It broke my heart. I told her that she was not and that if roles were reversed she would do the same things for me. She isn't even smiling much the last few days. I could always get mom to smile. Even in the hospital when we thought we going to lose her i got a smile out of her.

Dick cut hay today. We need it so bad after the fire, but I am trying to figure out when I will have the time this week to pick the darn stuff up. Complain, complain. I love my family so much and I don't mean to complain. God has given me many things to enjoy in life. I have a wonderful husband, 3 beautiful girls and 2 little grandma's girls and now 4 more little lives to care for. My parents have been and are wonderful people. He blessed me with the talent to grow things and care for things and here I sit and moan and groan about it. Maybe I need a girls night out. How about a girls weekend out? OK, if I am dreaming, a weeks vacation at a spa where they will give me a body massage everyday. lol_2.gif Well, I guess that I'd better try to sleep. At least lay down and rest a while.

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can i come to the spa with you????


i need a "girl's night out month" lol save me a seat!!!!!!!




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