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Not in the best of shape



Ever since I've witnessed the arbitration hearing my depression has been deepening. I feel so disillusionned by all of this. The corporate bullies require SO MUCH from their employees and is a real tyrant when they want things 'their' way. I feel so naive that I thought that my 'truth and honesty' would win the arbitration! Ha! Their is corruption everywhere and I wouldn't be surprised if the arbitrator is really not impartial. I have no proof of that, I'll only know when this whole thing is settled.

The next time the arbitration is held (don't know what date yet) they will be picking me apart for my depression. By the way I'm seeing the employer's psychiatrist on the 8th. He has his hands on my medical files and I'll be curious to see what kind of report he will be writing. Of course his evaluation is NOT impartial and I'm curious to know how he will manage to twist around "I feel like dying" into I don't want to go back to work. Haha ha Laughing yellow because these days I have NO SMILE on my face. I do feel like dying most of the time and am getting sick of all this crap.

God help us all head_hurts.gif

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I do hope things work out in your favour at arbitration.

I know I will be approaching a time like this soon when my employer

gives me a job I am not in favour of or no job at all when disability is up.

It is unfortunate we have worked all these years and end up the way we do.

Take Care

lorrainelm cloud9.gif


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