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So lonely tonight



How on earth can someone be lonely with the houseful I have? Maybe I am tired, I don't know. The day has been too long and too many decisions had to be made and I was the one that had to make them. I just don't want to have to think of what needs to be done and has to be done tonight. I want some MM time to veg and then that darn ol' brain kicks in to high gear and here I am. Lost a card playing buddy yesterday. He was a real charmer. I hope he is as happy in heaven as he was here on earth. He could always make you smile right up until the hour before he died. God bless you Don and keep you in his arms forever.

The kids bio-mom is trying her damndest to make life as hard as possible and I just wish she would violate her parole and go back to prison where she belongs. I sure am not feeling very nice tonight. Not a very good Christian attitude. Maybe it is a good thing that I am alone in thought tonight, because the things that I am thinking are not good. I guess that I am in a self pity party and need to find something to kick my butt to get me out of it. Thank you God that I don't feel like this all the time. Our little man said to me today, " Why are you so busy ? Doesn't seem like you get anything done today." Out of the mouths of babes. He was right and I didn't see it. I guess that if I am going to strain my eyes I better do it looking at the bright side.


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just sit back relax yake a couple of benedryle if ur doc says it ok dat knocks my ass out for a day or 2 jus like tonight im wide awake im gonna go eat me sum in a shoer we bit

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Hi Mary Margaret,


I don't have anything constructive to say but I want to send you some virtual hugs. Also, it's easy to be lonely in a croud when you've got weighty issues on your mind. Hang in there.


Jean pash.gifpash.gif

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I'm with Jean, can't think of much to say, but very sorry for the loss of your friend, and with everything else on your mind I sure that is also.

Sometime when "frazzled" it is best to take 10 or 15 minutes and have a lemonade, coffee, cocoa or whatever soothes you and just look out the window or sit on the porch and watch the birds and re - group. then you can get up and maybe see things a little clearer. If you have to-- go hide behind the barn..lol and I'll be hoping for that parole violation right with ya..


hugs to you MM

Bonnie french_cig_nomo.gifpash.gifpash.gifpash.gif hope you can get some sleep and hope tomorrow is a better day Zzzz.gifZzzz.gif

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