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collecting seeds



Sometime recently as I looked at some of the flowers growing so nicely I decided to collect seeds for next year's garden. I don't really know much about growing flowers but I like them. Tried to cut some to bring inside through the summer, but the only ones that seem to grow all the time are those black eyed susans. Funds are low so I rescued alot from walmart on clearance. Didn't do too bad.

Now I have started saving some of what I hope are seeds to use next year. They are in baggies marked with the names. There is one that for the life of me I cannot remember the name...purple looks like trumpet, grows like hanging thing...still can't get the name and it is a common one.

Wonder what I will be able to remember next year? Will I even remember that I have these seeds? Are they even seeds? Where can I keep them so I don't forget they are here and not have them in the way? HMMMMM

Got a thing with 40 baby plants ...imatients I think...little pink flowers that keep flowering all summer...anyway the whole thing was only 6.50. At first I lined the front garden with them but after a couple of days they looked like they were dying...not meant for full sun??? So I dug them all up and now have 3 really HUGE pots full, 11 hanging baskets and one that I put into the basket of a very old bike basket in the side garden...looks really cool.

My husband was here after our youngest son's football game last week and asked if I had paid someone to landscape. That felt pretty good.

Football in a whole nother story! (that's not right...the expression) I will save that for next time.



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I have a thing for collecting flower seeds, too. And they have seed exchange clubs on the net, so we're not alone. I grew quite a few things from seed this year and really enjoyed the process which I started inside six weeks before the end of winter. Good luck with yours!



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I'm another seed collector. There are some things that reseed themselves. My sister had gotten some plants several years ago from a field somewhere and she planted them. Well, they have taken over, and although she severly cuts them back, they still bloom and are now all over the neiborhood. They have beautiful purple flowers. Anyway, they are selling them for almost 4.00 apiece in Lowe's and I tell her she has a million dollars worth. biggrin2.gif I have some in pots to take with me when I move and also am collecting the seeds from them. I found a perfect place for seeds - those horrible medicine bottles that Target now uses which are good for nothing. At least they are being recycled and not going to trash.


If you PM me and give me your snail address, I'll send you some seed pods which I starting to collect. Can't do better than that pricewise.

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I love to plant flowers too!

Did not do much this year,although got planters full of flowers at my trailer.

I like sunflowers best of all. they grow easily and I like the flowers.

The birds or animals sometimes get the tops,the flowers.

I planted wild flower garden seeds which I got at Canadian Tire store and

they can be bought other places. It turned out to be beautiful with ferns and floers growing with only maintenance,to water. This is perfect for just a section of your garden.

Good Luck next year!


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I love flowers too. I grow some from seed, some from cuttings, exchange bits with friends and neighbours. There is so much pleasure in seeing them grow and flower. Most of my garden is in pots so I can move them around. Spring is so lovley if you have a backyard full of bloom.


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Is it Foxglove?Another way to reseed if you aren't sure you've collected seeds is to wait till the frost kills the flowers, go out and dead head and just leave in the garden, you may get some flowers next year.

In case you aren't sure how to dead head, just cut off old flower blooms. Lots of luck,


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I'm trying to root some virginia creeper and can't for the world of me get it to grow roots have tried everything..water, rooting powder and just plain dirt even scaped off the bark and planted it no luck help

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Was a master gardener.


You're driving me nuts here, purple & trumpet shaped????? I have only a 1000 books so I should find something..hmmmmmmmm, I'll look today.


MG'rs loved to peruse till we find the answer, kinda like a referencelibrarian to plant people.



Off the top of my head I'm thinking "columbine", is very common and self seeds WELL....


Whenever I move, I will be most concerned(besides the kids and the cat, oh yeah maybe the husband) with bringing my plants, my friend's mother's plants had frequent flyer miles practically from the various places they lived....Glad to know i'm not the only crazy... beer.gif

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