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Same ten days



I was telling some one that I think we all find it hard to think postively at times. Well alright some more than others... well OK me.... biggrin2.gif

After I told some one to think positively I thought to myself OK what did I do in the past ten days. Apart from all the routine housework, I ferried the children to various sports trianing sessions. I made pickled beetroot and beetroot chutney. I baked a cake. I went swimming twice and to the gym with my stroke exercise class. I tidied part of the garden. Took the children to the dentist. Went in early to work for a training session.


So maybe at the end of the day I was diappointed that by the time my day off had come around I was too tired to do some thing for me. Something which I had been looking forward to. So that why I thought my life was/is boring. I dont do enough for me.


Well the children are not going to be around at home for much longer, so my time will come... again.


Next time when I think something negative I hope I will stand back and try and see the positves.




Well for the next couple of weeks any way if you see what I mean.... wink.giflol_2.gif

1 Comment

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Mary, you seem to be iiving life to the full, that's what we all aim for.

Have a great week. My "me" time is things like making the chutney, I really enjoy cooking.


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