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staying friends



There have been a few mentions lately in threads and blogs about friendships. My worry is not that we lose friends but friends lose me as well. After all my primary concern is Ray and his well-being so I don't have time to be that kind, supportive person that they made a friend of in the first place.


Last night I went to my pastoral care meeting and we talked about how people re-invest their time after a traumatic event, principally bereavement. As we all know people can change radically after trauma and re-invest their lives in all kinds of ways including turning away from family and friends and trying to build a life that is new and radically different from the old life.


I find this interesting as I looked at my own life for a minute or two and I've done the same. The worker, volunteer, family person became Ray's carer. And I've changed, I am more serious and don't always see the happy side of life or have that pixie lighted-hearted approach to life.


Life has been tough on Ray and on me. When Ray came home in 1999 he was quite disabled and I devoted a lot of time to him. At first twenty four hours a day and now maybe only eight or ten waking hours are devoted to something pertaining to Ray. This is a very narrow focus.


Today I saw in the paper that a dear friend's mother had died. We can't go to the funeral because Ray has a neurologist's appointment and you know how hard they are to get. We will try to phone and possibly send a card but it isn't the same as being there in person is it?


If we want to keep friends we have to work on the friendship, and give it some time and not just our spare time, memories are not enough.


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That "re-invest our time" sure is a good way to explain what happens after a major life change and why some friends fall by the wayside. Thanks for blogging it.



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i have seen my mom 're-invest' her life with taking care of my dad, turning away from a lot of her former interests and friends. a lot of her friends were 'couple' friends or friends near their second home in Florida, which they no longer go to. however, she still held on to her temple commitments (she is co-president of her temple) and some of her friends, although most of her socialization is done over the telephone.


from my experience with the stroke community since i stroked 8 years ago, some people define themselves in terms of their/their loved one's stroke and slowly turn away from people who do not show the same concerns and are not family. i think this is a common human occurance not related to having a stroke, because i see John define himself as an addict in recovery and has difficulty relating to people who do not share his experience (including me), and i see some of my patients define themselves in terms of their depression or other mental illness. i always refused to define myself in terms of my stroke (or any one aspect of my life, for that matter), so this particular issue has not been as much of a problem for me as other stroke-related issues are.


sandy cloud9.gif

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Sandy, funny you should mention your Mum and using the phone to keep friends. I was talking to a slight acquaintance today whose husband has had quite a severe stroke. She says they never go to Sydney any more and that is where the majority of her friends are. Instead she has scheduled them to ring her and chat on designated nights of the week. One woman at either end, each with a glass of wine, two hours later, two tired but contented women.

I can't see that working for me but it might for some people.


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