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Learning to Count



I guess I must have gotten a good nights rest. It came to mind that my counting the months since my stroke was incorrect. I had been saying "I'm going on 19 months this month (Oct) but that's off by two months. I think I was counting a year as 10 months. Maybe my elevator wasn't going to the top floor. Oh well.


My stroke was 15 Jan 2004, so 15 Jan 2005 makes one year, 12 months. From Jan 2005 until 15 Oct 2005 makes 9 months more. 9 + 12 has to = 21, am I correct? So I stand corrected and have now been a survivor for almost two years. It doesn't feel or seem that long, but I've made good progress along the way.


I've certainly learned a lot from all you members. I honestly think this stroke has given me time to slow down, think and become a better person in life. I have accepted this life mode without depression and my hope is to live one day at a time. Tomorrow is not promised. I hope I have helped some members as well.


Serenity, Courage and Wisdom is the key to my coming and goings. That seem to give me the love in my heart for all people and especially those of us as survivors and caregivers. Our road maps have not been easy to read by no means.


We have endured many things, pains, heartaches and setbacks in life, but nevertheless here we are alive and well with a smile on our face. In my case, thanking God everyday for keeping me from disguss and going crazy.


I'm learning to count, count my blessings, count the months and years, and count on you all to be a happy bunch until we all can get back on both feet again. At that point in our lives we can look back and see how far we traveled and the many friends we met and made along the way.


To me, that makes life wonderful after all, a little numbness, but never a dull moment or negative thought, thanks to a positive attitude.


So now if you see a post from me saying I'm going on 21 months and just last week I said 19, you'll know the answer. I only got about 6 more days, then I will be going on 22 months, approaching 2 years soon. happydance.gif





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i feel that i am truly blessed to know you on this website, and to have found this website. you are intelligent, articulate, have such a positive attutude!


sandy cloud9.gif

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Congratulations on approaching 22 months! Congratulations on approaching two years! I ditto everything Sandy said up above.



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Hey, you two are great, I don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks for the free complement, I'll take it, I can't pay for treatments or even co-pays now. I'm very grateful and shy! silly.gif

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