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New Endeaver over



Well it is official. I have been fired. Not really in so many words, but told I wasn't needed. The way I see it I have 2 choices here........ I can feel bad that I can't work anywhere, even if I work for free. I could be negative and let this take over my life or I can breathe a huge sigh of relief and say THANK GOD!

So guess how I feel right now? Happier then a pig in s***! I tried it, gave it my best shot, know even better what my limitations are.

And I'm glad that I don't have to do it any longer, the choice was taken from me. I would have forced myself to do this for a long time, cause I would have been too stubborn to give in. I'm free!



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I never use the "if I was you" statement. You said 2 choices, but listed three.


"I can feel bad".... "I could be negative".... "or I can breathe a huge sigh of relief"


Saying thank God sounds good by me, and I would further look to him for more guidance in my life. That's just me and how "my Life" is going now. I'm in no way debt free, but some how, some way, we are making the best of a bad situation. I'm very thankful for a roof, car and food.


I lost my business + income, my wife had to quit her job to look after me. But giving thanks to my God, almost two years later, we are still making life very liveable. He has worked wonders in our lives.


Let us inquiry minds know what choice you is or will be, and if thats your final answer. unsure.gif

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Yes my final answer is I'm glad I won't have to do it anymore. But unlike you, I don't have the same beliefs in "God". That is all I'll say on the subject now, but other then using a throw away statement such as "Thank God!" That is as far as I'll go to give anyone outside of myself credit.


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Hey Pam, you are alright with me. I agree with you. You are a happy camper now, that's the good news. Take care and enjoy yourself, thats what I do.

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Sister Pam


i am happy that you were freed from a job that you know was not for you but would have kept on doing. i have done many similar things in my life when not freed and have lived to regret it. i try to not do that to myself any more, but it is hard for me sometimes.


i say, 'thank the goddess.' sometimes i am more specific, like 'thank the parking goddess' when i found a parking space in a place where i do not expect to find one. i find a lot of parking spaces, so that ritual seems to work for me.


sandy giggle.gifgiggle.gif

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