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Bored- who me?



This entry may sound arrogant and boastful, if it does, I apologize, but it is my blog. I hear on the site and from driends how life is so boring. I had this conversation twice this morning already.......


Am I one of the few that has embraced being medically retired and liking it? As I feel most times my enjoying retirement isn't shared by all, I am never bored. Each day has new and interesting twists and turns. I am busy, occupied, and tired when it is time for bed at night. Now I was speaking on the phone to a friend that hasn't seen the positive side of anything since the 60's probably and he is staring retirement in the face. He is resisting the idea of retiring. Thinks life will be over on the day named to be his retirement date.... I keep telling him, life/retirement is what you make it. It is up to the person to make their life what they want.

Talking to my other friend who is retired, and widowed, he loves retirement. We see it the same. No pressure to accomplish anything, no need to cram all chores into 2 days on the weekend. All week long is ours to do with as we please.

Retirement gives one the luxery of picking and choosing between being lazy for a day or being busy and fufilling our conditioning. I, personally think having a lazy day once in awhile is a bonus to my life.

Now, I know there are some that just can't comphrehend the concept of living such an unstructured life, with an open schedule. The mere thought makes my mother cringe. Her life every minute of each day is on a calendar that she sticks to faithfully. Not me, I am free to be impulsive, free from drudgery and housework, free from being rationale and so responsible all the time. Free to play if I feel like it, free to clean if I want.

See Sister Sandy? I can have cocktails at 9a.m. if I so choose. Being medically retired gives me permission to be a free spirit without bounderies. I can be flotsam on the sea of life. Life is never boring, retirement is fun. So grab life by the balls and live.




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Pam, I agree with you. My computer just stopped and I lost what I had written. I will make this one short.


I have no schedule either, don't get bored or depressed. I can take it or leave it. I guess I am too dumb to know how to get bored. I just play the hand I'm given. If there is a misdeal, just try again. Life goes on night and day. roflmao.gif

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I agree also, At first I really missed my job...

Now like Pam says no actual schedule, I have time for my animals, not trying to cram laundry and household chores into 2 days. I have more time to cook and I have found this site..ans as you can see I have plenty of posts and now chat you can see where I spend some of my time making new friends.


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Yes, Pam, I can understand. I'd find lots to door not. but if you need cash for the lifestyle, there are some who can't afford it. Depends what you want. I want a home again. And want to be away from real people for a change. I'm a city girl going rural. Time will tell.
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