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Good But Somewhat Disappointing!!!!!



Well, Friday Chris and I went to see the rehab doctor at the stroke and brain injury rehab in our area. She is not sure if the insurance company will approve an inpatient stay for Chris. She claims he is still very weak in the trunk area. If she can't get inpatient approved she will try for outpatient PT. She had also advised us that we will get family therapy. This will help me in being able to handle things with Chris. I am looking forward to this.


She said that Chris is still weak and has a long way to go. I can see on a daily basis how much he has improved since the day he came home. I told her all the things that he is capable of doing now. She had tried to get him to stand up but he cannot put any weight on his legs. She told us that she cannot promise that Chris will ever walk again. This had made Chris somewhat depressed. When we came home he was very quite and just wanted to go to bed and sleep. Latter that night he told me how he felt about what she had said. All Chris wants is to be able to stand up and start taking a few steps. During our conversation I had told him that he can never give up and that he can never stop doing his exercises. Nobody really knows what the future holds.


We where told that Chris' treatment after his strokes was not right in her opinion. She claims that he should have gone into rehab immediately after his stroke and not just dumped into a nursing home. Because Chris had only received about 5 weeks of therapy in over a year she said that the chances of him getting any better than he is now are very slim.


The one great thing that she did was to start Chris on Baclifin (spelling ??) for the pain that he has. She had explained to us exactly what was going on in his mucles and that the Flexeril would never help. She also told me to put ice not heat on any area where he was having pain. The past OT told me to use heat.


Today when I was helping him get washed and dressed I had noticed that he was not complaining of every movement hurting him and I had noticed that his legs and arms where easier to move - he wasn't as stiff. Chris told me that today was the first day in over a year that he didn't have pain. He always would rate his pain to be between 9 and 10 and today he said that his pain was about a 2. It was wonderful to see him not suffering for once. The next step that the doctor may try is Botox injections for the spasms and pain.


So in one way his appointment was good - seeing now that his pain is under better control without narcs but on the other hand it was somewhat disappointing - I don't think either one of us wanted to hear what she really had to say. It's alot to accept to be told that your husband will probably not walk again. I'm sure this is gonna take a few days to sink in - but in my heart I know that I will never give up on the fact that maybe someday Chris will stand and be able to take a few steps.





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I can't tell you whether he will or won't walk, I can only tell you that the Drs. said the same about Gary and although it takes two people holding onto him with a gait belt, he can take the steps. He takes the two steps from the toilet to the shower with me holding onto one arm and him using the rails with his left arm.


Gary is on Zanaflex for the muscle spasms and Inosine (an herb) to help regenerate the nerves in the affected areas. Both have helped him to be able to move those muscles. He also has a recumbent bike that the boys bought him last year and he rides it 30 min. a day...helps keep those muscles loosened up.


Don't give up hope. When all hope is lost, you don't have much left.




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I know exactly the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach to hear things such as never walking again..... I had a hard time hearing that I was medically retired because I was disabled at 37. All hopes are dashed. But I would like to add that they said I'd never walk again, my case was too acute.... I am walking unassisted.


If he gets on a PT regiman that gets his core stronger, he may be able to walk again.

Keep the faith,


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Guest lwisman


I was also told I would never walk again. The wheelchair has now been unused in the basement for several years. Part of my routine now is to walk outside by myself with my cart for an hour every morning.


Stroke survivors have reported improvement years after the stroke. Do not give up hope. Most medical folk tend to be negative. They don't seem to realize how devastating proclamations of what will not happen are when they come from therapists, doctors, etc who are supposed to know what they are talking about. Don't believe everything you are told. The will of the patient is very important.


Keeping working with your husband. When I first started to walk I counted steps and now I count time. It takes practice, but may well be possible.


Incidentally, I have found a cart http://www.noblemotion.com promotes walking naturally a lot better than a walker or canes.

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don't listen to negative comments doctor said, In rehab they were forcing me to walk with cane and I had kept my vigil saying I will never walk with cane and I will go home without cane though I came home with cane but I never used it, even in bathroom they were teaching me how to transfer by holding, I insisted on not using anything. I think for leg atleast I think things come faster since we use it a lot



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