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A Wonderful Weekend



The best thing that happened this weekend was that Chris had no pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was amazed as to how I could move his affected arm and leg. Before when you tried to wash him he would yell when you just moved his arm and leg slightly. The limbs where always so stiff. Especially his hand and fingers where always so painful.


I can't believe that the Baclafin worked so fast. He was so much more happier and very talkative. He was laughing and joking around with everyone all weekend long.


I can't believe that this medication has made such a difference. He did not ask for pain medication this weekend. He said his pain on a scale of 1 -10 was only a 2. I can't believe that it has taken 15months to find the right doctor and medication to stop the constant pain he was feeling. I don't know if I would have had the strength to go through such severe pain for so long. Chris also was very alert this weekend. Before he was sleeping every afternoon for at least 3-4 hours. Now I know that either the pain killers where doing this probably combined with the exhaustion of constant pain.


Chris had a long talk tonight with my father. Chris has always respected and looked up to my father. He had told Dad that in no way was he ever going to give up - and that someday he was gonna stand up and walk.


With that kind of attitude - how could things not continue to get better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I feel good for Chris, I hate to see or know of anybody in constant pain, little or a lot.


I think my pain was the Zocor. I stopped taking it, stayed on Baclofen, and added Garlique & Cyclobenzaprine 10mg, which I used to take some time ago. Results are, today, the pain subsided.


My legs had gotten so weak and real painful. My PCP said it wasn't the Zocor. Yet the MRI and C scans were negative. I'm coming to believe if these doctors don't work with enough stroke patients, they just don't know in most of the cases and times.

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