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Well I climbed the stairs today. I saw the second floor of my house for the first time since February. Up wasn't too bad,but I was nervous about going down. Good news... No problems. I was fine ubtil I went into my bathroom and tried to weigh myself on the scale. As I was getting off I fell,hard head_hurts.gif onto the tile floor. Iseem to be fine , but I fell on my affected side. We'll see if any bruising shows up. I appear to be unscathed. But I think I will sleep really well tonight. Tomorrow my youngerdaughter turns 13. WOOHOO!! I know she's terribly excited. spoton.gif


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Hi Ruth

Another achievement. you are doing well.

I fell off the scales once but in the middle of main street in town when the big scales used to be in front of the pharmacies. I blamed slippery shoes not the shock of seeing what I weighed!!

Keep up the progress we'll all be cheering you on.


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Congratulations Ruthie!!


I find going up the stairs much easier than going down.

We are lucky and our hose is only one floor. I only have to go up and down a few porch steps.


Hope you are okay from the fall


Best Wishes to you daughter for a wonderful Birthday



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hey Ruthie:


congratulations on your achievement, I agree with Bonnie after a time going up becomes much more easier than coming down, we have installed railing on our stairways, I m still afriad to try coming down without holding and and with reciprocating, though I agree with my hubby its not worth the risk not holding cause I have made big hole in our wall once, congratulations to your daugther and you on her 13 birthday, actually we mom re more scared of teen years than they are



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A brief inside of what I faced and did. I came home in wheelchair unable to walk. had to sleep downstairs, had rehab again, learned to go up good foot first, weak foot on same step, holding the rail that was installed on right side going up. Down was weak leg first, good leg on same step down, holding rail for balance, it was already there with the house.


Next I learned to go up good foot first, then get weak foot on the next step up. I got 15 steps straight up, no curve. So I would come down, both feet on same step for about a week, then I was able to come down one step each foot.


Going up, on the second step with the weak foot, push down hard to lift yourself up. After a few tries, your fear is gone and you can do it. I push down with the weak leg to get up from the comode or kitchen table chair the same way. Hope that helps you more.

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