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Today's rant



Lookit, if you aren't into reading a rant and rave from a PMSing survivor, then don't read any further.


I just read Jean's blog again regarding the woman she ran into that was looking for justification in divorcing her husband. I find her attitude insulting. Not just insulting because I am coming down on the survivor side, but what about the spouses or caregivers that stay and schlepp in the trenches 24/7? Aren't any of them insulted too?


I know why I am ready to stone this unknown woman and even burn her at the stake, she has the same sucky attitude that the idiot I was married to had. Who gives these people the right to judge and compare a stroke survivor? Now once in the distant past, I judged a spouse who was legitimally venting, judged is the wrong word, flamed is a better word. I tore into her and said things I shouldn't have. It isn't a proud moment, but at least she was sticking it out, trying to find her way in this maze of stroke recovery.


Sure, she could have chosen a different path. But she seems the type without any backbone and her husband/survivor is probably better off without her. Just as I am far better off without the weight of being married to Kurt.

Who says we survivors have to have an existence just because we had the misfortune to have a stroke? What happened to the vows that we all speak when we get married. I guess they are so familiar that they are actually meaningless?

I will stop here, nuff said



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"Till death do us part." Death of what?

A dear friend of mine had a brother-in-law who divorced his long-suffering wife, left his three teenagers and married his secretary. Five years later he had a stroke. After SIX days his new wife saw the doctor over seeing his case. "Make some arrangements," she said. "I haven't time to look after a hopeless invalid."

Pam, some things are over before anything major happens, just hanging together by a thread, and takes very little to break them. We don't have the wisdom to answer the "why me" questions except to point out that life is very unfair sometimes.


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What really boiled my butt about this woman was the fact that she wanted everyone to feel sorry for HER because HER husband wouldn't try---according to her---to recover. Man, if I had thought that way I could have gotten bent out of shape because it appeared as if Don wouldn't comb his hair or brush is teeth in the months after his stroke when in fact he didn't even know where his teeth or hair was at on his body until he was re-taught those things! It drives me crazy when caregivers/family members assume that when their survivors don't do something that they are being willful and defiant on purpose.



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I cast my vote for bitc-slapping. I don't know why, it justsounds good.

a friend of mine once mused" till death do us part, or until something better comes along."perhaps some bitterness there?

Ed D

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