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why guys like gurls



> >>>> >

> >>>> >Here are a few reasons

> >>>> >why guys like girls:

> >>>> >

> >>>> >1.

> >>>> >They will always smell good

> >>>> >even if its just shampoo

> >>>> >

> >>>> >2.

> >>>> >The way their heads always

> >>>> >find the right spot on our shoulder

> >>>> >

> >>>> >3.

> >>>> >How cute they look when they sleep

> >>>> >

> >>>> >4.

> >>>> >The ease in which they fit into our arms

> >>>> >

> >>>> >5.

> >>>> >The way they kiss you and

> >>>> >all of a sudden everything

> >>>> >is right in the world

> >>>> >

> >>>> >6.

> >>>> >How cute they are when they eat

> >>>> >

> >>>> >7.

> >>>> >The way they take hours

> >>>> >to get dressed

> >>>> >but in the end

> >>>> >it makes it all worth while

> >>>> >

> >>>> >8.

> >>>> >Because they are always

> >>>> >warm even when its minus 30 outside

> >>>> >

> >>>> >9.

> >>>> >The way they look good

> >>>> >no matter what they wear

> >>>> >

> >>>> >10.

> >>>> >The way they fish for compliments

> >>>> >even though you both know that you

> >>>> >think she's the most

> >>>> >beautiful thing on this earth

> >>>> >

> >>>> >11.

> >>>> >How cute they are when they argue

> >>>> >

> >>>> >12.

> >>>> >The way her hand always finds yours

> >>>> >

> >>>> >13.

> >>>> >The way they smile

> >>>> >

> >>>> >14.

> >>>> >The way you feel

> >>>> >when you see their name

> >>>> >on the call ID

> >>>> >after you just had a big fight

> >>>> >

> >>>> >15.

> >>>> >The way she says

> >>>> >"lets not fight anymore"

> >>>> >even though you know that

> >>>> >an hour later....

> >>>> >

> >>>> >16.

> >>>> >The way they kiss when

> >>>> >you do something nice for them

> >>>> >

> >>>> >17.

> >>>> >The way they kiss you

> >>>> >when you say

> >>>> >"I love you"

> >>>> >

> >>>> >18.

> >>>> >Actually ...

> >>>> >just the way they kiss you...

> >>>> >

> >>>> >19.

> >>>> >The way they fall into your arms

> >>>> >when they cry

> >>>> >

> >>>> >20.

> >>>> >Then the way they apologize

> >>>> >for crying over something that silly

> >>>> >

> >>>> >21.

> >>>> >The way they hit you

> >>>> >and expect it to hurt

> >>>> >

> >>>> >22.

> >>>> >Then the way they apologize

> >>>> >when it does hurt.

> >>>> >(even though we don't admit it)!

> >>>> >

> >>>> >23.

> >>>> >The way they say

> >>>> >"I miss you"

> >>>> >

> >>>> >24.

> >>>> >The way you miss them

> >>>> >

> >>>> >25.

> >>>> >The way their tears

> >>>> >make you want to

> >>>> >change the world

> >>>> >so that it

> >>>> >doesn't hurt her anymore.....

> >>>> >Yet regardless

> >>>> >if you love them,

> >>>> >hate them,

> >>>> >wish they would die

> >>>> >or

> >>>> >know that you would die

> >>>> >without them ...

> >>>> >it matters not.

> >>>> >Because once in your life,

> >>>> >whatever they were to the world

> >>>> >they become everything to you.

> >>>> >When you look them in the eyes,

> >>>> >traveling to

> >>>> >the depths of their souls

> >>>> >and

> >>>> >you say a million things

> >>>> >without trace of a sound,

> >>>> >you know that your own life

> >>>> >is inevitable consumed

> >>>> >within the rhythmic beatings

> >>>> >of her very heart.

> >>>> >We love them for a million reasons,

> >>>> >No paper would do it justice.

> >>>> >It is a thing not of the mind

> >>>> >but of the heart.

> >>>> >A feeling.

> >>>> >Only felt.


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