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My drama 2 night....Hives..



Yep, I am covered head to toe with pretty itchy red/white spots... Hives, never had'em before, but they are not fun let me tell ya. I am avoiding the ER, b/c I don't want to spend my night there. And really think the benadryll and cream will help tie me over until tom. if I need to see my PCP.


I called friends who get hives frequently and got some good nonmedical preofessional advice. If I really thought I needed a doc, I wouldn't hesistate. My rump, tighs,elbows and behind my knees are covered, my stomach breast area.(I look like I have an STD)


It is really quite embarrassing. I was over at my Inlaws and we got on the subject of my stroke, and how I had to get 2 rounds of TPA after my stroke, but it was 24 hours apart.


I don't normally like bringing up that terrifying memory, and got a little nervous visiting my past memories. I wonder if that could of spawned the hives?


I have been reading online about hives and causes. I ate pizza tonight, nothing I have never eaten before, just a different chain..took the same pills I always take.... nothing outta the ordinary.


Dunno, but I think the 3 benadryll may be kicking in. I am getting tired. My breathing is fine except for the cold I can't shake:) I think I may need to sleep in a straight jacket, so I will not scratch.

Thanks for listening.



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Hi Amy,


I've had hives more times in my life than I can count so I can really sympathize with you. I truly hope the benadryll works!!!!!



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maybe you are allergic to red fruit coloring, maybe that pizza guy put fruit coloring in the food, jus a thought, I have heard before people being allergic to food coloring


hope you are feeling better.



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