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Hives drama update:



WEll.. I held off last night not going to ER and went to see my PCP this afternoon. I 'm going to be taking Prednisone for 8 or so days with Zytec.


I am a little scared that I may have developed an allregy to my nerve pill, b/c my allergic reaction was just after I had taken it.


I guess we'll see tonight after I take today's dose. I sure hope not.


Besides the allergy drama, tonight hubby and I are going to see the movie JarHead. WE both want to see it, although there are 2 other movies playing that we want to see also.

He wants to see SAW2. But I hate horror flicks. I also want to see, Get Rich or Die Trying.

( *I am a closet Curtis Jackson fan.) Hubby hates Fiddy Cent-so I will have to go see that with my BIL or myself.


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hey Amy:


I will bet my quarter its not nerve pill, its red fruit coloring u ate in pizza, I bet you are going to have nice time in movie with ur hubby. do you guys still sit in corner seat and make out?



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You can drive yourself crazy trying to figure out if it's red dye #40 or yellow dye #5 is trigger for hives....they aren't always listed on food labels and they're in a lot of things.


My allergy doctor says that your triggers can change often when your skin is in a hyper sensitive state and you could have as many as ten triggers going on at once. Rather than figure out the cause now they concentrate of de-sensitizing the skin. I take Zytec, too, for hives along with two other drugs.



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