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What are the odds?



Yesterday I went to a fashion show that a club I belong to presented. I was on the committee. There was a contest among florists. They could show their talents so potential buyers and we would have centerpieces free. I was at Table 6. There were 8 of us at the table. Everyone entering got a raffle number. There were 15 arrangements and our table had 5 or 6 of us winning the arrangements! Mine had white silk pointsettias and for a Florida look, starfish, shells, greens etc. Very attractive. Many used white lilies in the arrangements one in comination with red anthurium- others, roses or carnations. and one had a gold angel with the lilies. Forgot to say, it was for the holidays so had a Christmas theme.


Everyone said they were going to touch us and then buy a lotto ticket LOL !


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Was this your Orchid Club group?

You really inspire me that you are involved so much at your age.

I truly hope I can be as active as you when I am your age.

Take care

lorrainelm cloud9.gif

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Lorraine, no, it wasn't the Orchid group - it is a political club. Tonight is the Orchid Culture meeting. It's when you learn all types of things - orchid care etc. The dues is 15.00 or 20.00 a year. Well worth it with monthly meetings and classes every other month (now)


Read the piece you have on your messages. You only feel old when you let yourself be. Yes, there are times my body is tired but why sit home and wait for the inevitable. That is wasted time. Worrying about what can happen is wasted time. Not for me!

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