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what would you do for a friend????



Think about this for a while......If I happened to show up on your d r step crying, would you care? If I called you and asked you to pick me up because something happened, would you come? If I had one day left, to live my life. Would you be part of that last day? If I needed a shoulder to cry on, would you give me yours?


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I would agree to all these things,but unfortunately not everyone would.

That is what we face in the world we live in. As survivors we learn to face

rejection at times and in certain ways.

A true friend would agree to all these things!

Take Care

lorrainelm cloud9.gif

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A day is not a problem, it is when they want to move in for three months!!

Seriously though I usually make as much time as I can for friends and family but sometimes someone calls when I am fully timed out myself, and they must think I am not much of a friend then when I say "no".

We just all do our best, well those of us who come here anyway.


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Dear Stan,


I have two friends from grade school that are like sisters to me. We have stuck by each other through thick and thin. We are all three 29 for the 17th year in a row and all stick to the same answer. I would do anything for them and I know they would do anything for me. We have all gone out on a limb or two for each other as well as others. People need to be there for each other no matter what.



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I commuted to/from Burbank, CA weekly to work. One day at Burbank airport, a plane came in -guy got off- ran to the phone & struggled making a call. I could see the poor man was in distress. (he was trying to make a collect call & no one was there to accept charges - I learned later.)


I walked up to the man, put out my hand full of coins & told him to take what he needed. Of course he was shocked, but his plane was leaving & he quickly told me his dilemma: he'd left home & left his oven on! So I made the call to New Mexico, fortunately his Dad answered the phone & said he'd turned off the oven!


Poor Dad couldn.t figure out who the strange woman was that was making calls for his son who was headed for San Francisco!


I wasn't about to watch this poor man stress over a few dollars! So, bottom line, if you came to my door: YES to all of the above.


Happy Thanksgiving!



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Hi Gang,


This is an interesting blog entry with comments. Marilyn, we should all do more ramdon acts of kindness. The world would be a far better place if we did.


One thing I'd like to interject in this conversation is that there are degrees of friendship. I'd do all those things Stan listed up above for a close friend but there are a lot of people in our lives who are labeled 'friend' who only want to be your friend when the want something from you. We all know who they are...we've all had them in our lives at one time or another, they are needy and many of their problems are self-inflicted. Bottom line: Friendship is a two-way street. If it's not, then at what point are you being a nice guy to help out or just being used?



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Oh Jean! How true...and how valuable when you find that friend!! They are few & far between.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Marilyn hiya.gif

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