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My day from H#*&



I'm afraid to ask what else can go wrong, because I'm sure it wil!


Older son and family were down this weekend. He noticed his Dad has a mole on his face that looks irregular, and he hadn't really noticed it before. So I've got a call in to the VA for an emergency appointment for that. I leave for 2 weeks on the 1st so need to get it looked at ASAP!


Then I got to work and had forgotten my glasses. Got through the morning OK, a few dumb mistakes cause I couldn't see, so decided to run home at lunch and get them. That took up nearly all my lunch hour, so drove through Taco Bell--Of course once I got in the drive through line, I reached for my purse and had left it at work! Scrounged up enough change out of the ashtray (only thing we use it for! (~_~) for a taco and nachos and a glass of water.


Got back to work and decided to through the bag of trash out of my car. Walked over to the dumpster, gave a heave, and realized I had just let go of the taco bell bag, not the trash bag!


This day can not end quickly enough!


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Too much on your mind. SLOW down!

I'm smiling, Ray has gone to Camp Breakaway till Friday morning, it is expensive at $200 for three days but it is like one big party, lots of entertainment and great food and he loves it. And I have a couple of days free of worrying about him.

Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.


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I am really sorry that all happened to you. It sounds like a lot of my days. BUT I do have to tell you, it did make me laugh!!!

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I'm sorry you had a crappy day, too. I could take up the whole page getting into mine, so I won't. Let's hope tomorrow is a better day!


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Ah. come on guys, if you tell me about your days like this, I won't feel so alone! (~_~) To top it all off, I burnt my thumb pulling the dinner rolls out of the oven. Needless to say, I went to bed early and watched food tv! (~_~)


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